
Fluid in Kidney

Today they said our boy has some fluid in one of his kidneys.  They said not to worry they will just keep an eye on it.    Anyone else run into this?  If yes, what was the outcome?  Thanks in advance for the advice. 

Re: Fluid in Kidney

  • Yup, it got worse throughout the pregnancy and then cleared up.  He didn't even need an x-ray after birth.

    I guess it's very common, so try not to worry!

  • my boy had the same problem. they kept checking it on Ultrasound, but it resolved itself after birth. No problems after that.
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  • they said my little boy has this too, but that it is very common in boys and is usually nothing.
  • DD had it, they noticed it at 23 weeks and it was gone by 32 weeks. They said worse case was that she would need a xray at birth.
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  • Thanks that does make me feel much better! 
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