I absolutely love this stage with the babies. They love everything we do. swings, bouncy seats, tummy time, laying on a blankets, being held, rocked, reading stories. bathtime, bottle time, bedtime and even nap time now!
I just keep thinking about how crazy it's going to be when they're crawling/walking/running. How do you handle it and keep track of two babies?!?!? I thought the infant stage would be the hardest and now I'm not too sure!
Re: I'm getting scared...
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I miss it when they weren't mobile! Now they are into EVERYTHING! I think this stage is the most difficult because not only am I trying to keep two little people happy and entertained but I'm also trying to teach them things like street danger and stranger danger at the same time.
You learn to adapt with each new phase. It's a learning experience for everyone. Every single MoM on here will agree when I say that you try different things before you find what works best for you.
You really just have to stay on top of them all the time. I let mine play in their room by themselves and I put a baby gate up. I'm in there about a thousand times to break up fights, tell them to get off the beds, take toys away, etc. Any time they are allowed to roam free, I don't sit down because one is trying to climb the entertainment center while the other one gets in the trash. It's a constant job keeping them from getting hurt, trashing the house, and being bullies.
I usually don't go anywhere unless I have help or where I am going is easily accessible by stroller or has shopping carts to confine them.
I will say that if I only had one child to take care of, I'd be bored to tears!
Baby gates.
It is a gradual thing and I baby proofed as needed, however I am counting the minutes until November when we move and the kids get a playroom. I only let them roam free if both DH and I are at home because one tends to go to the kitchen and play in the trash can while the other heads to the hallway for the dog's water bowl.
It will be ok!
So far this is my absolute favorite stage, though I've said that for every stage I think. Hahaha. Yes it's a little more difficult because they're mobile, and very um... spirited, and like to do what they want to do. But they are so much FUN now! They play and interact, they talk to me, they learn new things every day, they comprehend when I ask them to go get something or put something away (not that they always listen LOL)... they're turning into little people with their own personalities, and ways of doing things, and it's so amazing to watch. It can be crazy some days, but it's something you'll have a chance to slowly get used to since it's not like they just get up and start running one day.
this is just my experience but for me, it got easier. A LOT easier.
once they started crawling, they become soooo much more independent. I just scatter out their toys and they are seriously busy for hours. And this is when having twins is great - they play with each other. I hear about some moms who have to constantly entertain their babies and i dont have to do that because my babies entertain each other.
I honestly barely remember what it was like before they became mobile...everything is just a blur. But i do remember that i was scared too. But anyway, its much more fun this way.
Oh, and its also easier to move around! Before, it would be hard to transition from room to room, but now, if I leave the room I just call "Hayden and Brenna! Hayden and Brenna!" and they will come to me. They will even crawl out to the car in the mornings...haha.
HAHAHA you LOs sound just like mine!! DD attacks the trash and tries to knock it over and DS LOVES the dogs water dish! grrr!
Honestly i miss the itty baby phase bc you could put them down and walk away for 2 min to pee with out worrying if you are about to hear a crash of some sorts hahaha... but like PP said you adapt. this phase is great bc they are learning sooooo fast and you get to watch them turn into little people. I also love the feed back you start to get at this age. Its hard bc right now My LOs are really testing thier walking/climbing/crawling limits with very little experience hahaha so we have a lot of crashes and frustration but you learn get through it.
So dont be scared enjoy every second of every phase bc it feels like yesterday i was bring them home and now i am getting ready for thier 1st b-day in a few months!!!! When i brought my LOs home i though OMG i cant do this someone has to take them from me i was scared to do anything with them (no baby experience before them hahaha yikes!) and now my mom when she visits will look at me and just say how amazd and proud she is bc wha a different person i am now than those 1st few weeks. Your mom instinct is all you need!
I agree. At least now they can follow me from room to room. And I am loving this stage so much more than the infant stage. it may be scary at first but everything they do is so exciting.