Christmas gifts in particular..
This is the first year I am going to be truly careful about it, since I have a very observant and sharp 3.5 year old - no room for mistakes!
I am going to keep everything in the basement (we don't have a finished basement, so the kids are never down there). Just curious where you stash your gifts for the kids (although suggestions for where to hide DHs gifts are welcome too!).
Re: Where do you hide gifts?
DH's gifts I hide in the dresser. He doesn't put away the clothes and never has occassion to look in my drawers, so it's safe there. And one of my drawers is empty, which I don't think he knows. Some of DD's gifts get hidden there, too. I could also hide them in the dishwasher because he never opens that either! ; )
DD's gifts generally go in the garage under a blanket or in a big box. We've also talked about putting them in a friend's garage if we ever get her something big.
I have been hiding things on the top shelf of my closet, but DD just caught me.
So, now things are in the attic.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO