Pre-School and Daycare

Where do you hide gifts?

Christmas gifts in particular..

This is the first year I am going to be truly careful about it, since I have a very observant and sharp 3.5 year old - no room for mistakes!

I am going to keep everything in the basement (we don't have a finished basement, so the kids are never down there).  Just curious where you stash your gifts for the kids (although suggestions for where to hide DHs gifts are welcome too!).

Re: Where do you hide gifts?

  • DH's gifts I hide in the dresser. He doesn't put away the clothes and never has occassion to look in my drawers, so it's safe there. And one of my drawers is empty, which I don't think he knows. Some of DD's gifts get hidden there, too. I could also hide them in the dishwasher because he never opens that either! ; )

    DD's gifts generally go in the garage under a blanket or in a big box. We've also talked about putting them in a friend's garage if we ever get her something big.

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  • the kids gifts I put in my closet or basement. Dh's gifts I usually put on the top shelf of the girl's closets(covered up).He avoids getting them dress so he tends to stay out of there.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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  • I have a huge shelf in my closet where I hide most gifts.  It's worked so far, so I'll continue to do that.  Big gifts are hidden in our storage room, where the kids never go.  DH and I are bad and usually tell eachother what we got before Christmas so it doesn't really matter where I hide his Stick out tongue
  • I usually hide the kids gifts in our outside storage has a lock on it Smile Or I have so much stuff in my closet that I can just throw stuff in there and hide it. I also like to wrap as I buy so I usually wrap and then hide them. DH and I do our Christmas after tax time so no hiding for us.
  • I have been hiding things on the top shelf of my closet, but DD just caught me. 

    So, now things are in the attic. 

  • Right now there is a finished closet in the basement that we call the "gift" closet.  DD is observant but not nosy so as long as the door is shut, we're good.  Worst case scenario, I can shove them into green garbage bags and put them in that closet.  As DS gets older, we'll start getting more creative because I have a hunch he will be into EVERYTHING.  Fortunately, we have lots of nooks and crannies in this house where we can stash stuff so primo hiding areas in the future are likely to be other non-finished areas of the basement, the garage and our closet.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • Usually in my closet or under our bed.
  • We have 2 rooms in the basement with doors.  One is set up as an office, although my computer is upstairs now, and I never use the office much. The other has a futon and is kind of a spare bedroom.  DH gets one and I get the other.
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • I ahve 3 spots for hiding things.  our guest room which is in the basement and the door is always closed to keep the dog out.  In my dresser in any of the drawers or in the bottom of my closet.  Depends on size and who the gift is for.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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