What is DS going to be? He seems too old for the cutsie costumes and too young for the scary costumes. He was a police officer last year....this year he wants to be something "scary" but I really can't think of any age appropriate ideas.
He did ask if he could be Sloth from Goonies....not quite sure how I could make that happen, lol!
Re: moms of 4 year old boys -halloween
Yeah DS was a pirate when he was two! He is into Star Wars too but since he wants be "scary" he would rather ber Darth... I don't really want him in a costume that requires a mask. I wish he would want to be a cowboy, that would be so cute!!
DS asked me if he could be Annie from Little Einsteins. LOL He was Leo last yr.
I really don't know what he'll end up being, but probably a super hero of some sort.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
sean at 3 was a firefighter but i also had a skeleton costume that wasn't too cute or scary.
matt at age 4 was a punk rock zombie that was more fun than scary.
this year they at almost 4 and 5, they are talking superheroes.
I was wondering the response I would get by sending him as "The Situation" to the preschool Halloween parade.
I'm kind of joking but it would be hilarious to see my ultra preppy kid in bronzer, ed hardy and hair gel.
DS wanted to be Moono because DH said he'd be DJ Lance (I know, weird and creepy).
Now he wants to be a superhero. I think Superman is his first choice.
I recommended a dinosaur - I like the one at CP - but he didn't seem into it.
Love the Jersey Shore idea! If DS was The Situation, DH could totally pull off Pauly D and I could be Snookie