Baby Names

Girl Names- What do you think?

So we are 5 days till our due date and counting.... and we are still debating names.  We are team green so we are trying to come up with boy AND girl names.  I think we have narrowed down our girl names.  What do you think? 

Zoe Olivia _____

Zoe Mae _____

Zoe Lotus _____

Mae Olivia  ______

I don't know how to make a clicky poll....sorry.  Zoe is pretty much the going to be the first name (although I LOVE Mae).  I am only hesitant to use Mae as a middle name incase we decide to have another child and it turns out to be a girl.  But that might be putting the cart before the horse.  Olivia is my DH's grandma's name.  Any suggestions or imput is much appreciated.

Re: Girl Names- What do you think?

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