Two Under 2

POSITIVE stranger comment about kids close in age!

I just got back from the grocery with W (19mos), E (girl I babysit--5mos), and my pregnant belly.  The sweetest older lady there made my day!  She came up to me and said sweetly, "Wow, you're going to need a cart for 3 soon!" to which I replied, "Well, she isn't actually mine, just these two (pointing to W and my belly)."  She said, "Oh, let me tell you, you should do it like me!  I got married at 21, baby girl at 22, baby boy at 23, miscarrage at 24, another girl at 25, and wanted another but my husband said no!  It was so wonderful having children so close in age, they really were best of friends!  How far apart will your two be?"

She was so sweet, I thought I'd share since we 2u2ers don't always get such positive comments from strangers!


Re: POSITIVE stranger comment about kids close in age!

  • LOL! She was too old to remember what it was really like! Hahahahahahaha!

    All kidding aside, I have kids as far apart as she does, and we are still thinking of "maybe" adding #4. So it can't be all that bad.

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • She sounds nice!  :)
    imageimageimageimageimage 9/07 m/c baby boy @ 18wks, 4/09 m/c @ 4.5wks
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  • Everybody I meet who had 2u2 say that they loved it even if it were a bit tough in the beginning.

    Jen - Mom to Jillian (10/2008) and Hayden (4/2010)

    My Blog


  • The sweet old lady comments are the best!
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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

  • It's funny, the stranger comments that I've gotten from people who have actually survived 2u2 have been positive, and the negative comments I've gotten were from people who didn't have 2u2. I keep sticking with the ones I've heard from people who have actually survived it. lol
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  • That is so nice to hear!! Women need to be more supportive of eachother.

    I always try to be encouraging to new moms when we talk.  I hated hearing horror stories (not reality checks) but ridiculous stories that made me wonder why these people had kids in the first place, lol.

    Natural M/c 12/13/08 at 8w5d 

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