Good morning ladies! Our son was born July 31 at 35 weeks 3 days, weighing 5 lbs, 2 oz, 18 1/4" long. I was induced due to my water breaking. He has been in the NICU since and doing great. As of last night he is still in a crib (about 24 hours now), took out his own feeding tube (ouch!) but they are keeping it out, and taking his bottles down great! As a side note, he is being bottle fed donor breast milk...I have to dry up due to having thyroid cancer that was diagnosed during pregnancy, and I have to go through treatment in less than a month. Part of that involves drying up and not breastfeeding.
Anywho...Bennett is also no longer hooked up to any monitors. He has yet to gain any weight, last night he was down to 4 lbs 12 oz...but they reassure us this is normal. They have put him on an aggressive feeding plan, so hopefully he continues to eat all of his bottles and gain a little weight. Then our little sweet pea can come home!
Any other 35 weekers out there? How long, if at all, was your little one in the NICU/hospital? I look forward to getting to know you ladies!!
Re: One more newbie here!
Congratulations and I'm glad he's doing well.
I'm glad to read of someone who used donated breast milk. I pumped for a month and donated over 100 oz for preemies.
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Babies like to pull out their tubes. Mine did several times and half the time had her cannula in her mouth as well. Also congrats on being off the monitors. He must be doing really well. Babies lose weight when they start bottle feeding because they burn more calories because it's harder work. Once he adjusts, he'll start gaining, and then before you know it, you'll have a big chunk on your hands.
DS was born 35w4d because of my water breaking. We spent 6 days in the NICU. At first it was for breathing, but after 2 days was because of eating.
Feel free to ask any questions that might come up! Hope you get to go home soon.