South Florida Babies

Back from my trip alone by air with both kids!

Success!  I flew with both my kids (Cedric, 3 and Graciela, 17 mos), alone (sans husband) to and from NJ.  Overall, it went great!  There was only about 20 minutes of crying, total, including both flights. 

I used some of your great suggestions.  I had my husband drop us off and pick us up instead of trying to drive myself--that way he helped get the bags to the check-in counter.  I used the double stroller in the airport, even though I had to take both kids out for security (including having to wake up Cedric for one of these times--he sort of crumpled on the floor as he tried to wake up while I folded it up).  The stroller was very helpful since I had to run for both flights due to heavy traffic at security. 

I had lots and lots of snacks.  I didn't bring a ton from home--just a bag of pretzels and one of goldfish.  Instead, after I got through security, I bought bananas and cut fruit and jugs of chocolate milk.  I brought straws so they could drink easily without spilling.  And since I flew JetBlue, I asked for lots of snacks--they obliged and gave me a lot. 

I had bunches of little toys that I took out slowly over the course of the flights, almost all of them old toys that they already like.  I brought the Crayola Color Wonder Markers and pads for them to color w/o destroying the airplane (LOL). 

I talked to Cedric about the trip a lot before we left, explaining that he has to be polite and can't shout or scream on the airplane, and he did well (although he did talk plenty--I kept hearing "Are we flying yet?" b/c he couldn't see out the window, which was too high for him, with his seatbelt on.)  I even managed to take them to the bathroom (all three of us in that tiny bathroom) and change Graciela's diaper while Cedric was underneath me using the toilet!  Hahaha.  That was funny.

So, forgive me if I sound a little gloat-y, but I'm just glad we got through without much incident (although that 20 minutes when Graciela cried on the way up was a very long 20 minutes--I could not get her settled to save my life, and when the flight attendant offered another bottle of water to "see if the baby will drink something" I was like, "really? Like I didn't try that already?").   She did great on the way back, though--it helped that I managed to get her to latch on and nurse as the plane started its descent, and she fell right asleep.  That was great.

Only thing I forgot to bring was G's birth certificate--they asked on the way back, since she was a lap child, but I just acted all innocent, and they didn't put up a fight.

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to say thanks and share in case anyone else is in a similar boat (or plane-haha!).


Re: Back from my trip alone by air with both kids!

  • Wow, you are brave!  LOL  Glad you had an overall great exprience flying solo w/ the kids.  : )
    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • WOW, you are definitely brave!! DH and I are going to Canada in a few weeks with Alexis and I'm terrified of how that is going to go, and there are 2 of us and only 1 kid!!

    I will take some of your recommendations!!  Gloat away, you deserve it! 

    image image

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  • I am glad it went well :) You are my hero

    Gloat away! 


  • I'm so glad it went well! :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • That is awesome!!:)
    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That is awesome!  I'm glad to hear your story.  We're considering taking a family trip with my parents when our daughter is about a year old (maybe more depending on finances).  So, it's great to hear that it can be done, especially, since I've heard flying is the worst part of traveling with LOs. 
  • Congratulations!  I'm so glad it went well and I hope you had a wonderful time!!!
  • That is great to hear that it was a smooth trip for you and the 2 kiddos. It's not easy traveling with 1 child (which we did when E was 1 year old) so I could only imagine with 2! Great job and you have every right to feel accomplished!!! :)
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    RPL Workup: + LPD (7DPO Prog = 7.8, Endometrial Bx = out of phase)
    Elevated Alpha 2-glycoprotein IgA and antiphosphatidylserine IgM -->
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    Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
    BFP #5 on 09/10/12 (11 DPO). HCG #1 @ 14DPO = 131.6 HCG #2 @ 16DPO = 509
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  • You did not sound gloaty to me! Just proud of yourself...and your kids - which you should be! I am so glad it went well! Its nice to hear positive accounts like this!!!
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  • thanks, all!!  i think the best advice was from Dawn (I think), who said to "pack your patience." I tried my best to be excited the whole time so they would catch my spirit instead of getting frustrated or angry at the delays and such.  That really seemed to help.  So that's my biggest tip of all!
  • You are Wonderwoman!! I've been flying a lot solo with the baby and I've been wondering how the heck I'd do it with 2 little ones....I'm going to copy all your suggestions!

    So glad it went so well for you. :)

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  • You are very very brave! I don't think I'm ready to go on a long trip with both kids- especially fly! Also, I can't believe you are still nursing Garciela! You are my super mom! Go you!!!
  • Yeah!!! Congratulations on not just surviving the trip but actually making it work well!  I am in awe, because I'm still scared of the idea of flying with just one alone.
  • thats awesome am glad it went well.
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  • I'm scared to fly with one child, much less two. Kudos to you for surviving (and having fun!)
  • That is great news!  You should be VERY proud of yourself and your kids.  Travelling with kids can be nerve wrecking b/c you never know what kind of mood they are going to be in...good to hear it worked out.  Defintely saving this post as my go to for suggestions when it's our turn to travel.
  • You are ammaaaaaaaaazing!!!!!!!
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