
Does your 5-year-old do this? Speech related

DS has started saying "Guess what" repeatedly when he tell us something. Like "We went to the water park today and guess what..." Then he will wait until we say "what" and continue, "I went down the big slide and guess what... We had pretzels for snack and guess what...

You get the idea.

And whenever we tell him something, he says, "You got to be kidding me" before he continues with his reponse. For example:

Me: We are having chicken for dinner. What kind of vegetable do you want.

DS: You got to be kidding me. I want corn.

Me: You have to take a bath to night.

DS: You got to be kidding me. Can I watch a DVD?

This is new. Is it a common thing? 


Re: Does your 5-year-old do this? Speech related

  • My DS doesn't say those particular things, but he picks up words and phrases from us and his teachers all. the. time. For awhile he was saying, "Hmmm," constantly in the middle of speaking and I wondered where he got it from until I noticed myself doing it. I honestly didn't even know I said that so often. It cracks me up, honestly.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Not quite like that but my girls do tend to pick up little phrases.  When I was doing 30 DS Gracie was saying "Don't phone this in" about everything.  My 6 y/o prefaces a lot of her statements with "Apparently..."
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  • My niece used to do the "guess what" when she was 5.  It was an automatic thing, she didn't even realize she was saying it half the time but she eventually stopped.  DD has started with "What??" after we tell her something and she also uses "like" a lot.  She just said to me "I'm like really hungry and my tummy is like growling". 
  • Yes, he will go through phases where he has learned a new saying and will use it to death.  DD does it too.  My favorite was when everything started with "remember when" and then she'd go on to talk about something that was going to happen in the future.  lol!
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • It's normal around my house. He's also taken to calling me "Franklin" for no apparent reason. I really want to laugh when he says "okay Franklin" in response to something I say but I have to tell him not to call his mom "Franklin." It cracks me up though.
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