Pre-School and Daycare

A question for moms who use coupons

How do you store/save them? I keep the intact and write the date of the paper they came in. My neighbor cuts all hers out and sorts by category.

Re: A question for moms who use coupons

  • I USED to keep the booklets in tact and just post-it it with the date so I could refer back to get what I need. 

    Thats when I started in Feb.  By the time I got to May (that was no longer working)...THe booklets arent bound, the pages fall out, etc.  So I bought a little plastic accordion style filer...not a huge one, but too big too fit in my purse and I cut them out as they come and file by the name, K for Kellogs, L for Lysol, etc. 

    It really doesnt take much more time but when I NEED something, I just go write to the letter and its soooo much simpler....  ALso its great because I can see ALL the q's I have for that product at once, instead of them being all in different booklets.

  • Also, 6 mos of those booklets is a HUGE stack where this is way more consolidated and organized.
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  • How often do you go thru and take out the expired ones?
  • Oh, also, I have an accordion style file for store specific coupons and restaurant/retail coupons.
  • I have a binder with the photo sheets. I then cut them out and sort them by category (baby, dairy, meats, canned, etc.)
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  • I have a small accordion style holder that I got at Dollar Tree.  I cut all the coupons and sort them by category.  I don't keep the coupon inserts whole.  My little accordion holder fits in my purse, so my coupons are always with me.

    It seems like a lot of the coupons have a similar expiration date (like, this past week I knew that a ton of them expired on July 31), so I'll go through them after that date and purge.

  • I have an accordion style filer that I got at Old Navy not too long ago for 5 bucks!

    I organize the coupons by category (clothing, groceries, etc.) I go over them once a week (usually when I am bored at the office) and throw away the expired ones.

  • imageMamaNikki:

    I have a small accordion style holder that I got at Dollar Tree.  I cut all the coupons and sort them by category.  I don't keep the coupon inserts whole.  My little accordion holder fits in my purse, so my coupons are always with me.

    It seems like a lot of the coupons have a similar expiration date (like, this past week I knew that a ton of them expired on July 31), so I'll go through them after that date and purge.

    This exactly for me too.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • imageMamaNikki:

    I have a small accordion style holder that I got at Dollar Tree.  I cut all the coupons and sort them by category.  I don't keep the coupon inserts whole.  My little accordion holder fits in my purse, so my coupons are always with me.

    It seems like a lot of the coupons have a similar expiration date (like, this past week I knew that a ton of them expired on July 31), so I'll go through them after that date and purge.

    This exactly for me too.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • honestly, I don't shop much in the middle aisles.  so coupons are for dog/cat food, paper products, detergent.... sometimes I get store ones for stuff like yogurt or chicken.   I only cut what I use regularly or I know I can plan a meal with in the next week.  I store in catagory with those that expire in front of the ones I have some time on.... in an envelope.  I look at mailings for deals on family packs of meats and deals on fresh fruits and veggies and then there is a farm from NJ that sells here that's a little less and better tasting than the groceries.  
  • I have a complicated system, but it works for me. 

    #1 - I don't cut out the inserts - after writing the date on them, I have a three-ring binder that I slip them into (use the clear paper holders).

    #2 I have a large binder that I have the baseball card inserts for each section (dairy, snacks, meat, H&B, house, dry goods, etc).  I use this for all my Internet printed coupons and any coupons I clipped, but never used.

    #3 - I have a small accordian file that I have labeled by store (publix, Winn Dixie, CVS, Walgreens, Restaurants, unused coupons, rebates, receipts). 

     Every week I go through my websites, pick out the deals I want to use.  I clip/pull my coupons and put them in the accordian folder by store.  If I didn't use a coupon, then it goes back into #2

    I carry #3 with me everywhere.  #1 and #2 mostly stay home.

    I print out my Internet coupons at the beginning of the month (and throughout the month as needed/new ones appear) and I purge my expired coupons when I sort my internet coupons.

    You can send expired coupons to military bases - they can use them up to 6 months after expiration.  I haven't done this yet, but plan to.

  • I have a small accordian file that I label with different categories. I usually have more coupons for household goods and personal products. I don't find many food coupons that I can use. 
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