Heartburn. Oh my freaking God, the heartburn. I keep checking in the mirror each morning to make sure that the acid in my throat and chest hasn't burned a hole right through like a lung cancer patient.We are spending 7 pounds a day on Gaviscon, and I'm drinking a good 7-8 litres of water - avoiding most foods and still suffering from bloody heartburn!Anyway, last night we were (egad!) OUT OF GAVISCON!!!!! The shops were closed, the DH was too exhausted to go on an extensive search of a 24 hour pharmacy in our area and I was DYING from heartburn - so we turned to an old home remedy of FIL's... baking soda in water. Fark it, I'll try anything at this point.So DH makes me this concoction, leaves it on my night stand and goes to the bathroom. One sniff of this stuff and I know it's just going to be completely horrible - so rather than prolong the suffering of my tastebuds I chug the entire glass down in one gulp, no worries.DH comes back into the room and asks what happened to the glass of evil concoction, did I spill it? No, of course not DH, I drank it."THE WHOLE THING??????""Yes, why do you seem so concerned?"He then proceeds to tell me that you are only meant to SIP that crap, not chug it.So I asked him what might happen if one were to chug it? His response:"Have you ever seen that youtube video of mentos and diet coke?"Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap.Just then my mouth opened and I let loose the biggest pre-vomit burp of all mankind - ran to the bathroom with DH, the cat and dog hot on my heels and proceeded to throw up the entire 1/2 pineapple I had just eaten as well as whatever the hell it was we had for dinner - and it didn't just end there! In between violent upchucks were more of these hideous, hideous belches ( I normally cannot burp at all - it's a weird body malfunction of mine ) as well as letting loose a barrage of not-so-girly toots that could drown out an airplane engine and the sheer panic that I might not finish vomiting in time to turn around and release the demons from the other end of my body before shiitting my pants on the floor.On the plus side, I didn't even wake up once with heartburn that night.Moral of the story ladies - if someone ever makes you such a concoction, you are mean to SIP it.
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Re: Augh! Heartburn hell!
aaaaagh! i am sorry, but i had to giggle a little at your story.
you're so close, not too much longer! i promise, the heartburn will disappear as soon as the babies are born. it's glorious!
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holy heck! poor thing!
FWIW, I had a noticeable difference in my reflux when I cut out citrus foods and other really acidic foods. I just mention it since you said you'd had a bunch of pineapple.
Thanks ladies.
I'm hoping a lot of these issues will just magically disappear once the twins are born - only 8 more days!
So was it instant relief or is that all in my head?
Thus far, this is my least favorite part of being pregnant.
OP, holy cow. I was coming in looking for some advice and got a scene out of a movie! I hope you're feeling better today!
Mine was instant, but the crazy thing was that it was several days later when I was like "wow...I just realized I haven't had any reflux/heartburn since delivering!" lol.
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