Currently James in a Britax Boulevard but I wanted to get him a seat with a higher height limit (not worried about weight-he is small) so we can use his Boulevard for the baby when it is ready for it. I have heard the most about the Britax Frontier 85 and the Sunshine Kids Radian XL but don't know anyone IRL with either one. Any suggestions of one over the other? Thanks!
Re: Which carseat?
How old is he and how tall?
Annalise is 99th percentile for height (43 3/4"), and she still fits into the Britax Marathon with some room to grow. I measured that top slot as 17". I think she'll outgrow it by 4.5-5 yrs.
The Radian has a 18" top harness slot, and the Frontier has a 20".
I think Annalise would fit in the Radian until 6 yrs, and I'd be fine putting her in a high back booster at that point.
So if I had to choose, I think I'd go with the Radian since the harness height should be high enough to get most kids to booster age, and it has one of the highest rear facing limits. Plus it's a slim seat so it's supposed to fit well in any car.
FWIW, we may end up with one of each when Charlotte outgrows the infant seat. We'll need another rear facing seat and another harnessed seat.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13