
Hello! I am new and a distant future dad...

I currently have no children but I am married, and do plan on it in the next few years. I may be jumping the gun but I like to know what I can look forward to.

 I have very little experience with children. I mean I know the mechanics of diapers, feeding and what not, but after that early stage I am fairly clueless.

Please educate me, I mean I have no idea how to even talk to children at any age, let alone keep them entertained, I have an idea(more of a notion really). I want to avoid what my childhood was like of videogames and television, while instilling a great love of reading and natural stuff. Anything is fair game also be sure to tell me what to avoid too

Re: Hello! I am new and a distant future dad...

  • Welcome to our lair.

    Hope you have your big boy panties on.

  • ummm
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Loading the player...
  • It's on-the-job training!

    If you don't want them to play video games, don't buy them. If you want them to love books, read to them every single day. Take them outside and roll around in the mud if you want them to love the outdoors.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I assure you that "big boy panties" all I have worn since I hit the age of 23 and got married, and that was 3 years ago.
  • And, wth is moonseye? I may be off base here, but I cant stop thinking it means the "stinky wink"
  • imageMelandJeff:
    And, wth is moonseye? I may be off base here, but I cant stop thinking it means the "stinky wink"

    Mel, if I were drinking anything it would be all over my computer screen right now.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • imageMelandJeff:
    And, wth is moonseye? I may be off base here, but I cant stop thinking it means the "stinky wink"


    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Moonseye, is just a name of an OLD Dungeons and Dragons character I had. Nothing meant to be implied by it. Just going for some form of anonymity. If you want I will link my facebook profile so you can see I am legit and honestly curious
  • imageMoonseye:
    Moonseye, is just a name of an OLD Dungeons and Dragons character I had. Nothing meant to be implied by it. Just going for some form of anonymity. If you want I will link my facebook profile so you can see I am legit and honestly curious

    No need for that. You just need to get through the feats of strength and you're in.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • The picture you added definitely helps with getting to know you...and your Dungeons and Dragons screen name. And yes, please, do link us to your FB profile. Because that is the the definitive proof of legitimacy on the interwebz. 
  • D&D eh?



  • you know what? I am going to stop being so defensive and just try to find the people that will help me with my legitimate questions. I hope eventually people will come to realise I am serious and not just a troll or something.

  • All right. 2 things. First, its realize. Secondly, who the hell ARE you? If you know what a troll is, you are no newbie.

    Spill it buster.

  • I am me, and I know what a troll is because I am not new to internet message boards. If you had bothered to look at my profile you would see that I am a Computer Network Technician. You do know that there are other message board systems out there right? I mean the Internet is a huge place after all. trolls are evrywhere and I am certainly not one of them.
  • In all seriousness, Lari's answer pretty much summed it up. And if you want more info you should hang out here and on the other boards to see what people are posting about. Parenting is pretty much a learning experience, trial and error, doing everything you swore you would never, ever do... but it's also the most rewarding experience I've ever had.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Ok, thank you to both of you and I will be looking around for the future.
  • I think parenting is definately a learn on the job type of thing.  I don't think anything anyone tells you can completely prepare you for all of the trials and tribulations or even the joy of being a parent.  You just have to enjoy every minute.
  • You know what a troll is?

  • Is that a wife-beater you're wearing? 
  • Look forward to the bodily fluids that children seem to emit from every oriface on their bodies.  It's everywhere.

    Avoid trying to use the bulb sucker thingie on your very strong 19 month old son.  Avoid trying to get the 3 year old to puke in a bucket.  Just use a towel.

    Look forward to learning what worrying really means, but also what love really means.  You can never prepare for any of this!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • Ew.  To all of this.

  • imageToledoDeux:

    Ew.  To all of this.

    Yes.  Yes.  Yes.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • imagesooosie:

    Look forward to the bodily fluids that children seem to emit from every oriface on their bodies.  It's everywhere.

    Avoid trying to use the bulb sucker thingie on your very strong 19 month old son.  Avoid trying to get the 3 year old to puke in a bucket.  Just use a towel.

    Look forward to learning what worrying really means, but also what love really means.  You can never prepare for any of this!

    OMG, that made me laugh b/c it is so true!  He's pretty good with a bucket now, but when DS was just a little bit younger we would cover the couch with old sheets & put a towel in his lap. 

    And the last part, about worry & love, is also true too of course.

    ~Melissa~ married to Cris 08.13.04 mom to Tyler 01.12.07 donate to my cause
  • welcome.

    1. Be prepared to be snarked....and either take it and dish it back, or run away like a baby.  Either way, its going to happen.

    2. If you are a creepy creeper, then just leave now.

    3. If you are a troll, there are some smart girls on here who have outted just leave now.

    4. Don't put the cart before the horse...get your wife knocked up before you worry about a kid....what if your wife, god forbid, can't even get pregnant....

  • i think that you should just go with the flow. as they get older things will change and all you can really do is just be there and love them and try to be the best dad you can be. your wife will be right there with you and if you arent sure of things then dont be scared to ask her for advice. like someone said previously, if you want them to love books, then read to them alot. maybe ask them what they would like to learn about and teach them. and if you want them to love the outdoors and not sit on their butt and watch tv or play videogames, then take them outside. find games that you would like to play with them outside. and remember that you set the example for them. if you sit on your butt all day, they might just do the same. 
    Trying to Conceive Ticker Anniversary
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