I registered for snuzzlers, and we received them. But I just went to put them on the car seats, and I realized that: 1) Our snugrides already have a head positioning piece. 2) Maybe the snuzzlers would be hot, considering it's, you know, hot out. And we also have bundlemes for use when it starts to get cold.
Re: Snuzzlers: awesome or waste of money?
I don't use Snuzzlers in the car seats (they have enough padding and are not approved in the event of a car accident). However, I use them all the time in the stroller. I wouldn't be able to use my stroller without them. Here's a pic (2 weeks old):
And another one (2 months old):
Ah, OK. I'd imagined that we'd need to use the car seats in the stroller until the babies get bigger. (We have a city select.) But I can see from this that with the snuzzlers I could go on walks with the stroller seats in, even when the babies are very small.
I used my Select with the babies since they were about a week old. I don't even own infant carriers (We got 2 convertible car seats instead).
Here's a pic of DH with the twins on their first walk in the Select! I love that you don't need to buy the bassinets to use this stroller with newborns, you just need the snuzzlers for extra support.
My first son was born in June and I got a snuzzler as a gift. I used it on the way home from the hospital, but that was it. He was over 7 lbs though and he seemed to get too warm with it in the seat with it in there.
The twins were born in January and I used it with Lily instead of the infant head positioner that came with the carseat. She also slept in her carseat, semi upright for the first month and a half, so (like a PP said) I put it over the buckles. It seemed to help her feel more secure.
I agree, they could have many more uses than just in the carseat too!
And now I'm feeling nostalgic, so here is Evan in his, the day we got home from the hospital *sniffle*
Now that it's so hot out, I turned the Snuzzlers over so the babies lay on the black side. It has the same shaped (the thing is meant to be reversible) but isn't as warm as the fuzzy white side.
I don't use anything under the babies in the car seats -- nothing that does not already come with the seat is approved in the event of a crash (including bundle mes). In the winter, I use the shower cap-style covers that go over the top of the seat.
You could use them in the stroller, though. I don't find them necessary (we use the infant carriers in the snap-n-go).