I am on a spring cleaning kick...or trying to be. I have a ton of toddler toys that DD is just not interested in so I am going to list them on Craigslist. Trying to figure out what I should keep. We have an attic but it is not much taller than a crawl space so it is not very usable and we do not have a basement. Trying to balance getting rid of stuff and not regretting anything. Right now I am not sure if I can part with our mobile even though either of them particularly loved it. I cannot believe they are getting so big.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: If you are done having kids, what have you kept
I am a sentimental sap, so this one is going to be tough for me. We are done having kids, and I have several boxes of baby clothes downstairs that I could and should part with, I just can't bring myself to do it yet. When the time comes to finally do it, I am going to try and be practical about it. That being said, I know I will save some stuff. Probably a couple of my favorite outfits, or any sentimental toys.
I come by this "almost-hoarding" honestly - my parents saved a lot of stuff. My kids still play with some of my old toys, and both my boys sat in my old highchair.
I picked my very favorite (or special) pieces of clothing and had them turned into a quilt. The remainder I donated to the Salvation Army since none of my friends have had girls.
Toys, I've donated or given to kids with younger friends.
Baby gear - I've kept the pack-n-play, highchair, and bumbo for friends to use for their little ones when they come over. Once the friends kids have all out grown the gear we'll donate that too.
Honestly, the clothing was the hardest for me to get rid of. Which is why I had the quilt made, this way it's still with us but it's functional.
I plan to get rid of all the infant stuff at our spring consignment sale because DS will be done with it. I'll work on tagging DD's old clothing as well.
I'll probably try to do a sweep of the toys and clothes every year to see what I can toss/consign/give away. My parents saved an insane amount of stuff to pass down to me and there's no way I can do the same for my kids. . . my house is much smaller than theirs.
That being said, there are some pieces that were handed down to me (kid table/chairs, kid rocker, old books. . . some that even belonged to my parents as kids, etc. that I will hang onto. My mother also makes children's clothing, so I will be saving everything she made to pass down to them.
This is a good point. I'll probably hang on to a pack 'n' play for a little while.