So two out of three DS have been really weird, not wanting binkie but wanted to chew on everything, cranky, slightly warm and drooling up a storm. It seems like teething but it seems way to early at 4 months/2 months adjusted.
When did your preemie start teething?
Re: When did your preemie start teething?
LO's about 4.5 months (actual) [ex.30wker] - and doing these same things. I've chalked it up to teething .. the other night i got a good look and it looks like he's cutting the front toooth in a little bit.
I'm gonna call our pedi see if he wants to check it out..because sometimes he does seem a little warm (despite summer we have a/c so its cold inside)
We just got to a sleeping pattern, but he's been sucha grumpy gus ; and i hate hearing him cry.
teething is going to suck!!!!