I am wondering if any of you have gone through something similar. I am 33 weeks, and have been contracting for about 3 weeks and also had a +FFN two weeks ago and again today. I have been put on modified bedrest, and have been having internals to check for dilation and cervical change. My cervix has been slowly thinning, and is much lower. And today my OB said that he could almost reach through my cervix. He has me on a stricter bedrest, and going for an U/S on Monday. He says that our goal is to make it to 36 weeks, but that there is quite a possibility she could come earlier. Have any of you experienced something similar (obviously you all have with a preemie but I?m just trying to get more ?real? stories and facts from ladies that have had similar symptoms). I really want this little girl to bake a little longer but I want to be prepared for the road ahead if she comes early. Thank you all so much.
Re: Looking for some help
Hi Katlin,
I wish I could give you some answers but my story is a little different. My water broke and I had contractions for a week in the hospital before going into labor. HOWEVER, my sister in law had a similar situation to yours (thinning cervix, strict bedrest) and she actually kept that baby in so long that they eventually had to induce labor!
Congrats on keeping the baby in this long-- every day makes such a huge difference. For what its worth, my baby was born at 26 weeks and is now 6 months old and doing beautifully.
Keep on baking that baby and good luck to you!