Success after IF

Abnormal mammogram

Anyone have an abnormal mammogram?  I'm 35 and at my yearly my doctor wrote an order to get a baseline mammogram.  She said everyone starts in their office at 35 for a baseline and if everything is OK you don't go back until 40.  So I took the order and went.

I was called back.  I had a few abnormal findings.  One is a mass.  So I go back for my follow up to find out I had to get more pictures and then an ultrasound.  Still questionable.  I have an appt. with a breast cancer surgeon on 8/10 for an appt. then to schedule what he thinks is next.  Either a biopsy or maybe straight for a lumpectomy I guess.

I remember in my infertility prayer group a woman had breast cancer a few years after giving birth.  I keep wondering if this is related to all the hormones I've pumped into me with IF treatments.  So I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen?  I'm scared out of my mind.  My mohter was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 2, 3 years ago at almost 70 years old.  They blamed it on her hormone replacement meds for 15 years but it's still family history.  She's doing great still.

Any support is appreciated.  TIA



Re: Abnormal mammogram

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    I have no answers for you, but wanted to say that I'll keep you in my t's and p's.  I hope that everything goes well for you at your next appts.  :::big hugs:::
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    I"m sorry you got scary news. SOOOOO many times this ends up being cysts, or fatty tissues that are benign. So TRY not to worry, and don't go nuts with Dr. Google. lol. (yeah right!)

    If you mom didn't show up with Breast CA until that much later in life, it's more unlikely that you're not dealing with the hereditary markers we hear so much about (HER-2/neu & CEA assays) I'm sure your docs will have lots more info for you, you'll just have to hang until then.

    Let us know what they say.... I'll be thinking of you!

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    I don't know anything about this, but I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  I'm sorry you're going through this.  Hopefully everything ends up being okay. 
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    jlh123jlh123 member

    Thanks ladies.  I remember hearing that as well about mom being diagnosed so late in life then it's not likely genetic.  But they still wrote it down when I got my mammogram and then again with the surgeon's nurse I met with yesterday.

    I know it's out of my hands and I also know if it is anything, it's very early on. 

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    Wow, I'm so sorry you are going through this.  I hope it is all just being overly cautious and you don't have to have any significant procedures or treatment.

    I'm sorry, I don't have any answers for you.  While I can see how putting synthetic hormones in our body could be bad, I know just as many people who live such clean and healthy lives who also wind up with cancer.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, please keep us posted.

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    no advice, but lots of positive thoughts being sent your way
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    Thinking of you, j, and hoping everything's ok.

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    I am so sorry to hear about this.    I myself have gone through something like this in the past and also very recently.    It all turned out ok!

    I was 25 when I found a pretty big size lump in my left breast, I went in and got the core needle biopsy in which they were not able to get any "fluid/fatty tissue" from it.   This caused alarm and I then had a ultrasound, which showed a solid mass.    I ended up getting a lumpectomy, which in the end was a non cancerous tumor.

    This past christmas, I went for a mammo after my maternal aunt had breast cancer and had a masectomy.   It scared the crap out of me, so I went for my check.    Well, it showed "shadows" they could not determine if cancer or not.     I received the letter telling me to come in 2 days into my 2ww for IVF #1.    It was horrible.   They would not do another mammo until I found out if I was pg or not.    I was not and went in to find later it was moles they forgot to mark with the little stickers in the beginning.

    I would try to relax (better said then done....i know) and just see what they say.   It was a simple error on the nurses part for me the last time.  I will be thinking of you

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    jlh123jlh123 member

    Hooliface, what an ordeal to go through... so glad it all worked out well in the end.

    Vandelay, your little girl is beautiful.  I'm beyond happy for you ")

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    I just dealt with this a few months ago-doc found a one inch lump in my breast-3 weeks after my ob checked me and said all was fine! and I admit I don't do self exams-long story short-got sonogram and they could not identify it-very scary as the doc told me it wasn't a cyst and they didn't know what it was!!! a few days later I got a biopsy which came back atypical cells, had to meet with a surgeon who said it was like 15% cancer, 85% beneign-after the surgery-which took a few more days to schedule up-I got a call 3 days later and they said good news-its nothing more than a fibroidonma with atypical cells but no cancer. (praise God!!!) But for 3 full weeks I didn't know if it was cancer and I know what your feeling-its a super scary pit in your stomach.

    The surgery did not hurt-and biopsy did not hurt a bit...but I would get a biopsy if they want one-and do this all asap so you don't have to wait-which is the worst-the mental part. I was literally clinging to jesus the whole time and never without my bible those 3 weeks-psalm 91 was my go to!!!!

     Best of luck-I will pray and just pray for strength and do what you need to do.

    Ps I am 39.


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    jlh123jlh123 member

    Sachi, thanks for sharing.  HOw scary that must've been.  I am beside myself right now, so worried.

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    I know you are scared, when I was going through it I hated how they made me wait, they said they couldn't get me for a biospy for 5 days-well that did NOT sit with me, so I found my own place and scheduled a biopsy the next day-even if I had to pay out of pocket. The waiting and worrying is by far the worst thing.  Whatever it is you will get through it.

    Also, don't worry about the past and if it affected this...I have a child I conceived naturally but I have not been able to have a second, after much debate I finally did 2 rounds of clomid (a year ago) and it was hard for me to make that decision, but when I had the mass, I never even wondered did clomid cause this, it was in the past and I know God was with me when I made that decision. You can't regret what you did in the past.

    Know that you are NOT alone and people are praying for you!

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    jlh123jlh123 member

    I know you are scared, when I was going through it I hated how they made me wait, they said they couldn't get me for a biospy for 5 days-well that did NOT sit with me, so I found my own place and scheduled a biopsy the next day-even if I had to pay out of pocket. The waiting and worrying is by far the worst thing.  Whatever it is you will get through it.

    Also, don't worry about the past and if it affected this...I have a child I conceived naturally but I have not been able to have a second, after much debate I finally did 2 rounds of clomid (a year ago) and it was hard for me to make that decision, but when I had the mass, I never even wondered did clomid cause this, it was in the past and I know God was with me when I made that decision. You can't regret what you did in the past.

    Know that you are NOT alone and people are praying for you!

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    jlh123jlh123 member

    I know you are scared, when I was going through it I hated how they made me wait, they said they couldn't get me for a biospy for 5 days-well that did NOT sit with me, so I found my own place and scheduled a biopsy the next day-even if I had to pay out of pocket. The waiting and worrying is by far the worst thing.  Whatever it is you will get through it.

    Also, don't worry about the past and if it affected this...I have a child I conceived naturally but I have not been able to have a second, after much debate I finally did 2 rounds of clomid (a year ago) and it was hard for me to make that decision, but when I had the mass, I never even wondered did clomid cause this, it was in the past and I know God was with me when I made that decision. You can't regret what you did in the past.

    Know that you are NOT alone and people are praying for you!

    thank you

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