I am doing research - we are going on a week long vacation in Oct - the twins will be a little over 6 months old and its a two and a half hour flight... any suggestions on what to take, what they will want, anything I might forget or not think of... basically any and all tips and advice welcome! I plan on being weaned from pumping about two weeks prior to the trip, so they should be on formula and solids...
Will they be old enough/big enough for a convertible carseat or should I plan on the infant with base?
Re: Traveling with 6mo old twins
My only advice is to use the infant seats without the base. You can install them with seatbelts. Convertible seats are HUGE and even travelling with one (IMO) is a giant pain in the rear.
If you have a DSNG, even better!
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I flew with my girls at 5.5 months. I brought my bases with the infant seats (just checked the bases at the gate, didn't have to put them through baggage), but as pea-kay mentioned, you can do it w/o the bases (manual can prob. tell you how to install with just car seatbelts).
I brought my DSNG. It also just got checked at the gate.
I would also call your hotel and ask if they have PNPs for sleeping arrangements. I was flew to visit my parents with the girls and so I had to check (as baggage) PNPs. I packed my doorway jumper for them to have something interactive and yet portable w/o being too bulky. I also brought a huge blanket, teething toys, and some board books to keep them entertained while away from home. (My parents' house doesn't have any extra play items, etc.)
The only thing I got pulled aside while going through airport security (which was silly) about was carrying on ready-made formula since they had more oz. than what you can take but they let them through. I would suggest taking powder formula and just buying bottled water once you get through security to avoid this hold up.
GL and enjoy your trip!!