Pre-School and Daycare

Gymboree bubbles rock!

DS's therapist always brings them over when she comes and DS loves them. They last forever! Yesterday I found bubbles around the house an hour after she left and DS could actually catch them in his hands! I'm going to pick some up at the mall today when I'm there!

Re: Gymboree bubbles rock!

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    I love their bubbles! We have been sold since my DD was a baby (8 yrs ago)! Have you ever taken a gymboree class? I always wonder about them...
    Proud Mommy to DS (March 2007) and DD (May 2002)
    Baby No. 3 BFP 1/16/2013!!
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    I've never taken him, but it looks like it would be fun. I just don't want to have to sign up for a monthly payment, KWIM? I would totally take him if it was just a pay at the door kind of thing.
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