DD1 is not gentle. She's getting better at it. We have a "gentle finger", so she will just touch DD2 with her index finger gently....and then rake her nail across the baby's skin. Or she will delicately wipe up milk that has dribbled out of the baby's mouth...and then poke her in the eye. She also flails her arms about when she gets upset or frustrated without regard to whoever is in her path. In short, she is a toddler.
DD2 is only three months old, but at what age will she be able to take the roughness of her big sister and be able to defend herself?
Re: At what age can the little ones take the abuse?
We were just talking about this. We only let DS give kissies, no touching...but like a typical kid he tests his limits - specifically the line between a kiss and a head butt.
I can't imagine when I will leave them alone for a longer period of time.
Ditto this...being mobile helps alot.