
one baby with difficult temperment?

One of my girls is very feisty!  She has major meltdowns during at least 2 to 3 feedings per day and sometimes in between, which would be difficult to handle with one baby, but with two I feel like my other DD, who is very laidback, gets neglected to a degree.  I'm trying to feed them at the same time, since my H goes back to work next week, but she sometimes makes that impossible and since they are on the same schedule they are both hungry at the same time.

She was only 4lb 11 oz at birth, but is now 5 lb 4 oz.  I thought at first it was because she was so little, but she is gaining steadly and there hasn't been a change.  Did anyone have one twin, triplet, etc. with a difficult temperment early on?  Do you have any tips?  Did he/she grow out of it?  If so at what age.  Thanks!  I love her to death, but I hate seeing her get so upset and there are sometimes that she is going to have to wait for me to get a bottle or burp her sister.  Thanks!  


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Re: one baby with difficult temperment?

  • have you talked to your doc about this? Sounds like it could be reflux.  Silent reflux gives babies pain when eating- but they do not spit up a lot.

    one of my twins had it - Grayson - started at 6w.... he would cry during bottles - freak out! It was miserable.  He never spit up though - barely at all - but the docs tried him on meds and it worked great - his pain was gone and he could eat without crying.

    he's still my fussier baby - things are always more drama-filled with him.... so it's normal to have twins who are totally different personality wise ---- but crying during feedings is not typical - i would talk to your doc.

  • i was just thinking the same thing-- reflux. our girls had the same problems. also, we switched to dr. brown's bottles and they worked miracles. the girls would spit up all over us and once we switched, it stopped. they were also on zantac, which made a world of difference. so, i would save yourself the frustration and head straight to the doctor!!!
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  • I agree, sounds like reflux. I would talk to the ped.

     My boy was also a bit difficult to deal with so I always took him while my DH took our girl. I started getting upset that he was favoring her, but then they got a bit older and things turned out fine. I always kept mine on the same feed schedule, but often 10-15 minutes apart. I just started the feed earlier with one baby and that way I didnt have 2 screaming at the same time (well, not often at least) and I could burp them when needed.

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