Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone vaginally deliver 9lb baby?

I'm not dilated yet so doctor doesn't think inducement will work...i really don't want a c-seciton, but my family is all saying that the baby won't fit, and why cause undue trauma to me and baby. This is the hardest decision. 
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Re: Anyone vaginally deliver 9lb baby?

  • Yup.  Our son was 9 lbs 9 oz and I delivered him vaginally.  Tell your family to chill.  It is easy for people to make predictions and judgments when they are not in the situation!  That being said, he was also my 2nd baby so that may be part of the reason why I was able to deliver him this way but you never know!  I would go with what you and your doctor decide is best and ignore the advice from others.  Do what is best for you and baby, even if that means c-section.  You will be thrilled with your little one no matter how he/she is born. 
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  • me.  Induced at 39 weeks.  9 lbs 4 oz.  1 hour 40 min from when they broke my water till he was here.  I was 2+ when i went it. 

    My sisters kids were all over 9lbs.  The last was almost 11 with no tearing. 

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  • My baby boy was 9lb 4.2oz at birth and I delivered him vaginally.  I had an epidural so I didn't feel that much and recovery went well.  I didn't think I would be able to deliver a baby that big but my doctor assured me that I could do it and he would watch me closely to ensure a healthy baby and a healthy momma.
  • one of mine was 9 lbs 8 oz.  another was 9 even.  they were both easier to deliver vaginally than my 7 lb 13 ouncer!  the baby will fit!!
  • Sorry but your family doesn't know what they are talking about.  People have 9+lb babies all the time.  My LO was 9 lbs 2oz (we had no idea he was this large) and I delivered vaginally and hardly even tore.  And FWIW my sister had a 6 lb baby and her LO's head was only 1cm smaller than my LO's.
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  • Thanks so much ladies. This is so damn hard. It helps to know I made right decision in waiting a bit...I'd really like to see if the baby will come on its own.
    2 m/c's before DS, 3 m/c's post DS (Jan '12, March'12, May '12) image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • i know several women who have delivered large babies vaginally... my sil delivered 3 over 9 pounders- the last one w/o tearing at all.  keep in mind weight predictions can be off too...
  • I was induced at 39w6d and vaginally delivered a 10lb, 12oz baby.

  • Not me, but my SIL's first baby was 9lb 11oz and she delivered vaginally.
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  • Unless your family is medically trained then I would just take their comments with a grain of salt.  Let the Dr. make the final decision.


    I tore up and down and my baby was only 7lbs 4oz.  It depends on the size of your pelvis vs size of your baby.

  • I am 5'4", pre-baby weight about 135lbs, delivered vaginally a 9lb, 4oz boy at 40w5d, induced. Had a 2nd degree tear, but from what I hear, that is easier to heal than a c-section. I only felt pain for about 8 days (3 days were needing the medicine, the rest was do-able).

    Hope this helps! I wanted to wait until natural, but my skin actually split (not stretch marks, the epidermis actually ripped the top layer in one day and I had broken blood vessels) due to the size of my belly (I only gained there, and am VERY short waisted)... Needless to say, pregnancy was miserable... no desire to be pregnant again!


  • DD was 9lbs 1oz, but like pp said it depends on the size of your pelvis. Your doctor will give you the best advice based on that, and you and the doctor will make the best decision for you and your baby.
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  • My baby was not 9 lbs, but people vaginally deliver 9+ lb babies all the time. It is very rare for the baby to be too large for the mother to deliver... even if you are a smaller person. Doctors (not saying yours has done this) who encourage induction/c-section based on weight are often acting irresponsibly. Not only can weight estimates be highly inaccurate, but the risks of induction/c-section are much higher than the vaginal delivery of a larger baby.
  • I just had a 10 lb 3 oz baby vaginally with only a first degree tear. I'm a slim girl. It's worth a, the u/s were way off with both of my pregnancies so I would never have a c section based solely in the growth estimate.
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  • Yes my ds was 9lbs 7 oz and dd#2 was 9lbs 5.8 oz.
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  • 9 lbs. 12 oz. with no meds.  It can be done.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • My doctor said for weeks that it was very unlikely that I would be able to vaginally deliver.

    As early as like 36 weeks, she said his head was very large, I have a very small pelvis, and that if I went to term, he would be 9-10 pounds.

    She still wanted to let me try to deliver him vaginally though, but to not have high hopes.

    At 41 weeks I was not dilated, not effaced, he had not dropped.
    I was 'induced' with the gel, immediate contractions.
    I was in labor for 4 hours, no drugs, no more than 3 pushes and he was out - 9 pounds on the dot.

    It was the best experience of my life.

    Have some faith in your body.
    And don't let anyone, not even your doctor, try to tell you that a c-section is the best bet, without even trying vaginal labor first. You do what you want to do with your labor. Yes, things can go wrong, and you'll roll with the punches. No matter what type of labor you have, there can be trauma. Just do what you feel is right, don't let yourself be bullied into anything.

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  • My DD was 10lbs 5 oz vaginally.  Had a 2nd degree tear! My doctor said she was going to be around 8lbs when she was born and that was at my 40 week apt.  I had her at 41w 1d.  He shoulders got stuck and it took 2 people to pull her out. They checked her shoulders and they were fine...She came out a very very healthy baby!!!!! Her head was 15 around......

    They should not make you have a c-section.  Try to have vaginally and if it doesn't work then think about opting for a c-section.

    Good luck!!!!!!!

  • I am 5'5" and 120lbs before I was pregnant and ds was 8lbs13oz so close enough to 9 and I was ok.  I needed stitches and it was not a walk in the park but it was fine.

  • DD was an ounce shy of 9lbs and my labor was 2 hrs start to finish, delivered vaginally without drugs. it can be done!
  • Your body usually won't make a baby that won't fit.  Also, predictions can be VERY wrong.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • u girls are so awesome! thanks, i'm going to try it. 
    2 m/c's before DS, 3 m/c's post DS (Jan '12, March'12, May '12) image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hey there lady!   DS was 9 lbs 1 oz.  I had no problems.  I was 2 cm when they induced me.  I had second degree tearing.  I can't believe you are going to join us on 0-3 soon!  Can't wait to see you there.
  • FWIW, the estimate of your baby being 9lbs is an estimate. I had an u/s the day before I was induced and the tech said DD would be 8 lbs 10 oz, give or take a pound (so 7 10 to 9 10). LO was born weighing 6 lbs 13.5 oz. 
  • DS was 9lbs 5oz born at 38w0d.

    DD was 9lbs 3oz born at 39w1d.

    Both were inductions and I delivered them vaginally. I would NEVER go straight to a c/s.  They knew my babies were big (I measured 5 weeks ahead) and I wanted to use a c/s as a last resort.  I was induced with both for medical reasons (pre-e) and had very "fast" deliveries. I was 3cm and 80% with DS and delivered in 7 hours.  I was 6cm and 80% with DD and delivered her in 4 hours (with only 5 mins of pushing!)



    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • I del DD vaginally at 9lb 1oz and didn't tear so it can done . I never thought I could but I did....And I think the epidural helped too...loved it...
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  • I'm only 5'2" and was 115 lbs before pregnancy, and my LO was 9lbs 1oz.

    I delivered him vaginally, although it took almost 3 hours to push him out. My OB & nurses were shocked that I was able to give birth to him based on my frame, but I did.

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