
Swaddle blanket bigger then the miracle?

Hey ladies, our biggest boy has learned how to bust out of his mircle blanket :(  He is 14lb and long.  Are there any larger swaddle blankets that work well.  He was up several times last night because he got out of the swaddle.  Are there any really large swaddle blankets?  Did they work well?
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Re: Swaddle blanket bigger then the miracle?

  • try the miracle blanket with his legs out - that is what we did with our boys when they got bigger and could get out - it worked well.

    also make sure the flaps are tucked under their butts a little bit - if it's just under their backs they can arch and then pull their arms and wiggle them out easier.

    we used MB's until 6mo for all our boys - and 2 of them are/were 97% percentile always - so big --- never had issues doing what i described above.

  • Ohhh..great ideas, thanks!!! I will try this tonight!  Thanks!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • try checking out these..

    the aden + anais muslin blankets.  they are bigger and of light weight.  4 if them costs about $30. my kids love them.  the miracle blankets are the best!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I second the Aden and Anais muslin blankets, they are awesome.  It's a big square so when you fold it in a triangle you can make it longer or shorter on the corner that you fold up over their legs.  I swadle with arms out and my DS is 15 lbs and pretty long too. 
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