
EMT re: heart murmur

Not sure if you will go back to your old post, so I wanted to tell you about DS's heart murmur.  We found out about it at his 2 year appointment.  Were sent to a pediatric cardiologist where they did a thorough exam and EKG.  It was an innocent murmur and the recommended we come back in 1 year and if nothing has changed they will never need to see DS again.  1 year has passed, we have moved, but his new pedi recommended the same thing.  We will go four his appointment on Thursday.  

After finding out about this, apparently there are several people in DH's family with heart murmurs, all innocent ones.  

 Hopefully everything will be just fine with your DS, but it's always better to get things checked out with someone more knowledgeable.

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Re: EMT re: heart murmur

  • EMTEMT member
    Thanks! I hope DS' is innocent as well. I just wish the cardiologist could get us in sooner. Found out today that FIL has/had a murmur as well.
  • REOMREOM member

    Good luck to your little guy, EMT.

    FWIW, my DH was born with a heart murmur, and his activity has never been restricted. He played sports in HS, and is very athletic.  It has never been a problem, but has always been there.

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