a post on third tri made me wonder... if you have scheduled a c-section when was it? My OB told me it could be as late as 39 weeks if I continue to do as well as I am so far. (AHH!)
It scares me too, I was talking to my doctor about when they would likely induce- and he said there are several factors that would influence that.. one of them being if "my cervix was favorable" He also said that it is unlikely that I will go farther than 37 weeks, especially since this is my first pregnancy (whew!)
I'm not ready to go into labor yet but I bet in about 2 weeks I will be! I couldn't imagine carrying these guys to 39 weeks
Mine was scheduled for 36 weeks exactly. This was due to the fact that they shared a placenta and Baby B was not growing as well as baby A and they felt it best to get her out. Baby A was born at 5 lbs 2 oz and Baby B at 4 lbs 3 oz. Baby B had to due NICU time because of her size but had no breathing/eating issues. She was diagnosed with IUGR however. They are both healthy but I wish I could have gone a bit longer, at least 37 weeks. The last part is so hard, but it is really best if you can keep them in as long as possible....however with a shared placenta there are some risks for keeping them in after 38 weeks.
Mine is scheduled for 38w3d. I am depressed thinking about making it that long - but I know it will make for some healthy babies. I am selfishly hoping they try to escape on there own sometime next week.
Re: Scheduled c-section date
I'm hoping for 36 wks....it may be a bit past but, nowhere near 39...god help me!!!!
It scares me too, I was talking to my doctor about when they would likely induce- and he said there are several factors that would influence that.. one of them being if "my cervix was favorable" He also said that it is unlikely that I will go farther than 37 weeks, especially since this is my first pregnancy (whew!)
I'm not ready to go into labor yet but I bet in about 2 weeks I will be! I couldn't imagine carrying these guys to 39 weeks