
Did Anyone Else Take Vitamin D?

At my 25 week checkup they told me to take 2000 IU of Vitamin D each day.  I am wondering if anyone else had to do that.  They said it reduces preterm labor risk, which I currently have no risk.  My cervix is still at 5 at 25 weeks.

Re: Did Anyone Else Take Vitamin D?

  • I took it before and all during pregnancy, but I was deficient beforehand anyways.
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  • I was on the same protocol. At 23.5 weeks, I found I had a bacterial infection (that, had it been left untreated, could have lead to PTL). My MFM said there were studies to show it helped ward off recurrent infection and PTL...I was on it until a few weeks pp.

    can't hurt to take, right?

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  • I was on it from my 8 week blood work until about 25 weeks, when they tested my vitamin D levels again.  I still take 1000 mg every day. 
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