
Question from a PAIFer

l just had my 1st u/s and I finally believe I`m pregnant and to make it even better there`s 2 babies in there!! YAY!

 But I have a question Baby A is much smaller than Baby B. The tech could see Baby A heartbeat but could not measure it...I`m very concerned about this...Any advice?

Baby A- approx 4mm in size

Baby B- approx 1cm in size, heartbeat 144 

I have another u/s in 10 days to check on Baby A again.


MFI DH-diagnosed with cancer- had an unrelated bone marrow transplant 1st IVF-cancelled 2 embryos BFN 1st FET cycle started 2010- BFP Please Please Stick! Baby girl born 2011

Re: Question from a PAIFer

  • cadencaden member


    How many weeks were you at your first u/s? If it was very early it would be normal not to see a heartbeat.

  • Congratulations!!  Unfortunately it is just a horrible waiting game.  This u/s might have been too early but the next one should tell you for sure....good luck!
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  • I was at the beginning of my 7th week.

    Thank you for your kind responses!

    MFI DH-diagnosed with cancer- had an unrelated bone marrow transplant 1st IVF-cancelled 2 embryos BFN 1st FET cycle started 2010- BFP Please Please Stick! Baby girl born 2011
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