I feel like I might as well move into the doctor's office. I'm just wondering if my MFM is going overboard.
I saw my OB at 7w6d for an early u/s to make sure the pregnancy was progressing since I had a prior miscarriage. That's when they told me it was twins. They thought maybe monoamniotic since they couldn't find a sac. My OB released me to the MFM group I saw when I had DD. I only see the MFM.
The MFM office scheduled me for an u/s at 11w4d to try and find the membrane. They were able to find the membrane, but its really thin. Yeah! Scheduled me for another u/s last week to watch for TTTS. They are in separate sacs but sharing a placenta.
I saw the nurse practitioner at the MFM group and went over family history, and my prior history. I had severe pre-e and IGUR with DD and delivered at 33 weeks. She was only 2lbs. 15oz.
So, I saw my primary MFM and here is his schedule:
I feel like they are going overboard with me. I don't hear other MoM's going through this kind of monitoring.
One day in August I have a cervial check, ultrasound, and OB appointment in one day. My appointments are at 9:45am, 1pm, and then at 2:15pm. I work as well so I will probably have to take off that day.
My schedule just seems really full of appointments. Is it because of my previous history or because they are sharing a placenta or both? Or do they just like my insurance company and over schedule me? Just curious if you think this is overkill.
Re: Am I being overseen?
I wonder if this is a generic schedule they have for all multiple pregnancies. I think its weird that they already have you on bedrest at a certain point even though who knows what will happen then. You could be totally fine, ya know?
The scans every month are normal
It is more than I was seen, but mine were clearly di/di, and my prior m/c was due to an injury, so my OB did not view it as a concern with regard to a future pregnancy.
Every pregnancy is so unique, I am not sure how you could judge? But you could absolutely ask why the procedures are being recommended etc., I would. I asked about the multitude of cervix checks that I received after 34 weeks, which concerned me because I was GBS+ and got an answer that I did not anticipate. My OB helped me coordinate so that at the end when I had tons of appointments a week I could schedule them back to back. That really helped.
I asked about the bed rest and he says that he puts all MoM's on bed rest around this time to help prevent pre-term labor and keep blood pressure down. I had to do hospital bed rest with DD, but bed rest at home with a 2.5 year old is going to be challenging. If I feel fine its going to be hard to keep me in bed all day. I will do what is told, but it will be hard.
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.
I would never have been able to do that. My BP was looooooow, like 90/50 the whole pregnancy, and my cervix was a cervix of steel. Just b/c you're carrying multiples that doesn't mean you should be bedridden.
I didn't have any of the issues you outlined, but just wanted to say that if you don't feel totally "on board" with all that your current MFM is saying, I'd encourage getting a 2nd if not a 3rd opinion (from different docs). That way, yo gain a couple of perspectives and can decide who you feel most comfortable with.
FWIW, I too felt like I "lived" at my MFM's since my one DD was thought to be IUGR (ended up not being after all) so I had visits upon visits during that last part of my pg. Hang in there...it was worth it (and glad I got to see my LOs so many times...it's reassuring!)
Congrats and HTH
Ditto, robinj, on both low BP and cervix of steel (lol). I feel fortunate not having to do bedrest and can't imagine going on it w/o it being medically "necessary"
i would ask him how he defines bedrest. if there are no complications maybe he means modified br (which can mean different things), or maybe house arrest... i'd ask for more detail!
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