DD is in love with Mo Willems now -- Edwina, Knuffle Bunny and any of the Pigeon series. She also loves Mercer Meyer books (Little Critter) -- those are nice because they are paperback and thin so would travel well. Fancy Nancy is another hit along with a book called You and Me.
Every night we read one book of Rory's choice and then we read "Nighty-Night". It's a simple but easy book. Rory has even started to recite the words with me. We also count things on different pages. It's a really cute book!
Re: book recs ?
DD is totally into "The Monster at the End of This Book" (with Grover) right now. And any of the Fancy Nancy "early reader" books.
i would send a couple of her favorite books- to give her comfort being away from home... and maybe just one new one.
Griffin goes through phases loving certain books for weeks on end... Sandra Boynton is still a favorite for him.
He also loves the napping house right now.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO