I'm going to talk w/ DS's pedi, but we're looking to start him on solids w/in the next month; he'll be 4 months on Thursday. I'd like to go closer to 5 months and DH is ready today; I showed him reasons why we need to wait until he's at least 4 months. I waited to start solids w/ DD at 6 months, and honestly think that was part of the issue we had w/ her not eating. I know it's all about delaying solids, and for some 6 months is too early, but I'd like to start them earlier w/ him to try and avoid some of what we went through w/ DD.
Anyway. Did anyone NOT introduce cereal and go right to food? I have frozen apricot, plum, peach, and squash purees from our garden. I was thinking of starting a very watered down squash first. I'm reading on the nutritional benefits/needs of cereal, and opinion seemed to be mixed on if it's needed, as it's more to introduce the concept of spoon feeding. DS is FF.
Re: Starting solids: skipping cereal, straight to food questions
I think the reason you start with cereal first is that it's supposed to be less chance of allergy and the consistency is good. IDK.
Anyway, our pedi advised waiting until 5 months with DD to introduce solids. Her recommendation was that we could start whichever solid we wanted, and suggested cereal, avocado, or peas. I think starting with a green veggie, rather than yellow since the yellow are more sweet maybe.
I really don't remember the specifics of what she told us. We started with cereal.
FWIW, I did not delay with DS and did with DD. DD is a great eater, DS is not. DD ate cereal probably once and didn't eat much baby food. She went straight to table food at 8 mos and has been a champion eater ever since. DS ate cereal and baby food forever and adopted table food very late with much resistance.
I think you should just follow your DC's lead and he will be fine. Every child is different and I don't think anything you did made your DD a poor eater. Honestly, sometimes I with DD and I ate a little bit more like DS. He really has no pleasure in eating, he just eats if he's hungry and eats until he's not anymore. There's something to that.