A 4 year old boy, who I swear had highlights, with a hoop earring in his left ear! He also had a 7 or 8 y.o brother with a mohawk so long it was almost past his normal hairline and yep, he had a hoop in his left ear too. It may be wrong, but honestly, I couldn't help but stare and judge.
DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: You all would have loved what I just saw at Costco
NMS, but I judge baby girls with earrings more than that. At least that kid could ask for the earring.
But, still, I wouldn't let DS get an earring at this age even if he asked a hundred times.
I understand what you're saying, but what does a 4 y.o. know about getting an earring? I'm sure he did ask for it, but still...
As far as baby girls, , its NMS, butI don't really judge when its a cultural thing.
Well, you said the 7-year-old had it, so he probably wanted to be like his big brother. Again, NMS at all.