
some updates

Sam was about the same (difficult) about swim class as last time.  She panicked so bad at one point that she gave herself an itchy rash (hives?).  They went away as soon as I had her in the water for a few minutes and talked to her.  So that's going well *eyeroll*  She wants to keep trying though.

Bryan had his initial eval w/the pede for peanut allergies.  They asked me what happened, scratched his legs with a pen cap to see how he reacted to that, and then said they didn't think we needed to do bloodwork. Um, what?  I talked them into it anyway, we'll go to the lab another day.  With all the foods I'm allergic to, sorry, we're having it tested. 

One of his ear tubes fell out recently.  So maybe that's why he wasnt' sleeping.  Ears are, however, clear.

DH got us 2 months behind on the mortgage after he took over paying the bills.  He didn't like the way I did it.  Oh really?  I did it on time, ***.

I need drinks.

Re: some updates

  • Give Sam some time. Justin still freaks out with the pool. We have a pool and Emily goes swimming every day. Justin acts like a cat when we ask him if he wants to go. He's getting a little better, but he'll come around, as will Sam.

    Good for you for insisting on the blood work. You know I would have done the same thing! I hope you are closer to getting some answers.

    And for your DH, maybe he wanted a little extra money for other things so he freed up money with the mortgage. Stick out tongue Maybe I won't be letting my DH take over the bills. Tell your DH to free up some more cash so you can go for a another massage.

  • Gah!  Totally agree with EK that you need a massage!


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  • Sam will get over her issue with the swimming. It will just be hard for you in the meantime, and before you know it, you will be wondering what the problem ever was.

    Glad you pushed for bloodwork. A mom's instinct is to be trusted. Will you have to have his ear tube put back in?

    And your DH needs a lesson from you on what you did to make sure no bills are missed. I would be livid.

    Grab a drink. It's time.

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