I just went back to work after a year off.
On one hand it's HEAVEN to get away from the kids. I really look forward to seeing them at the end of the day. I feel like I've got more patience for them and I'm generally a better mom when I have some adult interaction and the chance to accomplish non-domestic things during a day.
Dylan turns 4 today.
And he starts pre-school next week (we've always been fortunate enough to have nannies in our home so this is his first "away from home" schooling)
I know these are all wonderful milestones.
He's growing up.
He's happy.
He's healthy.
He's amazing.
But..... I'm kinda sad.
Where did my baby go?
And what all am I going to miss by not being there the way I have been for the past year?
Re: Struggling.
Well...I have always had to work. I would love to be able to stay home, but financially it is just not an option unless we totally changed our lives (like move, sell my car for something without a payment etc). I know I miss stuff, but I try not to think about that. I try to focus on the positives like they are getting to interact with other kids, I get to have some interaction with adults, I like my job, I get to stay home for the summer and a couple weeks during the holidays...
P turned 3 in May and I was sad about him getting so big. Now K is 4 months and I almost feel the same way about her. It's all just going to fast, but I know that is just part of it you can't do anything to stop it. They will be okay. Good luck!!
I hear you. It is a huge sea of emotions, especially as a working mom. I don't discredit SAHMs whatsoever, but it's a different world being a working mom. I love my job, I love the people, I love what I do and I love feeling needed in my skill set. I don't think I could ever go back to being a SAHM (like I did D's first year). I have so much more patience with her now and a great balance.
There are days I definitely don't want to go into work. I want to stay and hug my baby all day. But guess what...she's not a baby anymore! I hate that she is growing up, but I'm excited for her as well.
She LOVES school. She learns so much and has friends and it's so great to see that. I'm sure yours will love preschool as well! It will be so neat to see the things he will learn and grow from school.
It never gets easier, but all you can do is live one day at a time and cherish every moment you have.
Good luck with the transition!
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Ugh, Howley -- I hear ya!
I'm going back to the classroom at the end of the summer. It'll be great, because I really love teaching, and it's a good job when you're a mom, because you have summers and holidays off. And, the money will certainly beat my part-time tutoring job that I've been doing since DS was born. BUT...
I won't be volunteering in DS's kindergarten class like I did DD's -- because I'll be busy in my own classroom.
I won't be chaperoning DD's field trips anymore.
I won't be making homemade bread every Friday in the fall and winter.
I probably won't sew my kids' Halloween costumes from scratch this year.
I know I should be feeling lucky that I've had a chance to do all that stuff AND still keep my foot in the door at work AND get my job back without a struggle. But I'm just mourning the end of an era!
That must be really hard.
ditto! (((hugs))) it's tough watching your kids grow up any way you swing it.