Texas Babies

Need daycare rec's

Hi all, I am new to SA and posted about needing pediatrician rec's earlier. Thanks for all the useful responses!

Anyway, now I need to find a day care for my 11 month old. I will probably put him there 2 or 3 days a week and he will be over a year old then. I live close to Alamo Heights, can anyone recommend a good day care center that's reasonably priced? Thanks so much in advance! 

Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.

Re: Need daycare rec's

  • Hi!  We live in Alamo Heights.  For that age, I'd look into Laurel Heights, First Presbyterian Church, and Alamo Heights Presbyterian.  They all offer full day childcare for kids under 1 (and up).  There are other churches too, but those are the first ones that come to mind.

    ETA: Thought of one more.  Several moms I know use St. Andrews for daycare.

  • We also live in Alamo Heights and use St. Andrews Weekday School for daycare, and have liked it so far.  They use standard school day hours (8:30 to 3 or 3:30), so if you need before or after school care you will have to pay a bit extra.  DD has only been there for a month - since we moved to the neighborhood - and it seems pretty good.  I like that it's more of a school environment, or seems to be anyway.

    I think, though, that there's often a waiting list - we put her on the list last fall, she got in for the 2010-11 school year, and then we were lucky and a spot opened up for the summer.  Let me know if you need any more info! 

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  • Thanks for the recs, St Andrews looks very good and affordable, I'm going to check it out :)
    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
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