
buying new versus used

Husband and I are just starting too look at what we need for the babies and are kind of overwhelmed/blown away by even just the basics.

I have 3 IRL MoM friends and all of their twins outgrew their infant car seats by 5-6 mos. As a result we were thinking about buying infant seats and maybe even a DSNG used and then buying the actual "big kid" car seats and a tandem stroller new....

Any other things you've come across that are better to buy second hand?

It's not so much about cutting down on costs for us as it is cutting down on waste and deciding what we really need. TIA for any advice!

Re: buying new versus used

  • When it comes to carseats, only go with used if you personally KNOW that they have never been in a wreck/been compromised.  People will tell you anything to get your only go with used if they come from a good friend/family member and you are 100% sure of their history.

    You can buy bouncers, exersaucers, bumbo seats, boppy pillows, swings, jumperoos, play mats, high chairs, etc all used.  

    Carseats is the one place I would absolutely not buy used from a stranger (and likely not even someone I knew).  

  • I buy anything used that I can, as long as it is safe. The only things I wouldn't buy used are car seats (unless it is from close friends and you know they were not in accidents), nipples for bottles, and pacifiers are all I can think of.

    Otherwise I scour craigslist and rummage sales for everything! If I can wash it - then used it is. :)

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  • one of my boys stayed in the infant seat until 12mo.... we switched Gibby out at 4mo but he was only 18lbs so could have stayed in longer.

    i would never buy used car seats unless i knew the person selling them. It's just not the place to save money. Snugrides are very safe- and quite cheap - and worth it.

    other than that - i pretty much buy everything used.... no reason not to.

    see if there are good kids consignment in your area - we have a lot of them near me and they are amazing for great deals on stuff in great condition.  I'm also a fan of yard sales- but they are not so easy when big and pg and are hit or miss.  Craigslist is great esp when you know exactly what you are looking for and can search for it.

  • I didn't buy much baby stuff used b/c I got a lot as gifts but I have bought a number of toys in great condition.

    However, now that I'm done w/ my baby stuff & have just started trying to sell it and I see what great condition it is in, I totally would advise trying to find bouncers/swings/exersaucers/jumpers/bumbos/activity mats secondhand for sure!!!!! Mine seriously look brand new & I am asking 50% of retail price so I think you could get some great deals from your MoM club or local consignment sales. 


  • You can save your money on things like bumbos and bouncy seats and walkers and buy them used.

    Car seats, unless you really know the person well, I would buy new.

    You can check baby consignment shops for a lot of what you'll need gear wise.

    I sold my DSNG to one for barely anything and I used mine a ton but it looked brand stinking new.  I take really good care of the boys' things and I know other moms are like that as well so you can find some really good things that are very gently used for a great price!

  • Buy as much used as possible IMO.  Car seats, are a maybe (I bought mine used and I feel safe with them).  The one thing that I wouldn't buy used was a crib mattress.  I've read that used crib mattresses can increase the risk of SIDS.
  • I wouldn't buy carseats, nipples, pacifiers, or things like that used.  One of mine is still in the infant seat (she is on the small side - both weight and height).  The other one we didn't switch out of the infant seat until she was 11.5 months old.  
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • The only things I wouldn't buy used are carseats (unless you personally know the owners and are 100% positive they've never been in an accident), crib mattresses and cribs (this is a personal one, just because neither of us know much about them and might not even be aware if they were missing some safety hardware or something). Oh, and not bottle nipples or pacifiers. But for everything else - clothes, play mat, bouncers, etc. - I'll take it used if I can find it!
  • kegkeg member

    The only things I wouldn't buy used are carseats (unless you personally know the owners and are 100% positive they've never been in an accident), crib mattresses and cribs (this is a personal one, just because neither of us know much about them and might not even be aware if they were missing some safety hardware or something). Oh, and not bottle nipples or pacifiers. But for everything else - clothes, play mat, bouncers, etc. - I'll take it used if I can find it!

    Ditto this.  I was given a DSNG, but I'd definitely get one used.  I got a used side by side stroller which I'm really thankful for because we just traveled with it and it got broken by the airplane folks.  I think it's still usable, but I'd feel a lot worse if I'd spent a lot of $$ on it.  Check out if you have any Parents of Multiples clubs in your area because they tend to have a couple consignment sales a year.  In our area, the fall season is starting this weekend.  Some even let pregnant members shop before everyone else which means you get the best selection.  Non-multiple consignment sales are also great, and I've seen a bunch of double strollers there too. 

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • Hi, I don't have twins but I wanted to say that I read your blog and I totally get what you are saying.....

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  • I'm not crazy about buying carseats used.  I'd probably spring for the carseats and get both strollers used.  I have one friend I'd take a used carseat from and another I wouldn't.

    I think the only thing I'm not crazy about getting used is a crib.

    Bouncer seats, exersaucers, all that kind of stuff, I'd totally get used.  Heck, I buy used cloth diapers.

  • thanks everyone. I never really thought about the repercussions of used car seats, all interesting points. 

    I know we are getting the crib and mattress new, now I'll add car seats to the list. Hopefully I can get the "plastic village" of all things baby used since that seems to be an easy thing to grab and easy to clean! 

    Thanks again! 

  • imagebeachgirl78:

    Hi, I don't have twins but I wanted to say that I read your blog and I totally get what you are saying.....

    thank you! It's all so much to process and sometimes I just feel guilty. It's nice to know these feelings are "normal"! 

  • We have a large family and I have a lot of different groups of girlfriends, so we were lucky to get a lot at our shower. 

    But we also got a lot from my SILs - 1 infant carseat, 1 boppy, 1 swing and 1 bouncy chair - so then we only registered for 1 of each of those.  We got a jogging stroller and umbrella stroller and then I bought the DSNG on craigslist.

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