Baby Names

What names did you have picked out as a child?

I can't be the only little girl who loved naming their future children! What did you want to name your kids when you were a kid yourself?

I actually can't remember most of mine... I remember I was obsessed with the name Margaret for the longest time, and at one point I was in love with the name Stacia. I also thought Isaac was the best middle name in the world for a little boy... I paired it with literally everything.

There must be more funny/interesting ones than mine out there! 


Re: What names did you have picked out as a child?

  • As a little girl I loved the names Caroline and Michael.
  • I wasn't such a name nerd as a little girl - I do remember my cousin asking me what I'd name my daughter, and I thought Iko (from the song Jock-a-mo) because it was different.

    And funny you should mention it because I just came across my naming book from when I was a teen. There are some eye rollers I'll post tomorrow.

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • imagebraveangel2:

    I wasn't such a name nerd as a little girl - I do remember my cousin asking me what I'd name my daughter, and I thought Iko (from the song Jock-a-mo) because it was different.

    And funny you should mention it because I just came across my naming book from when I was a teen. There are some eye rollers I'll post tomorrow.

    Please do post them, especially the eye rollers :)

    I think I left my teen journal at my moms house, I'll have to pull it out and look up mine next time I visit!

  • First of all, I was one of the original "Y" addicts, though I hate it now: ) I can vividly remember wanting to change my name from Brianna to Bryanna, and I think there was a time where I spelled it that way, even on school papers, etc. Ridiculous.

    I loved Aurelia, but now I strongly dislike the name because I see aureole instead. I loved Annalee and still do, but wont use it because of its popularity. 

    Others I liked: Katya, Anya, Kiersten, Alessandra . . . and I liked Ryker, Remington, and Cole for boys. I still like Cole and could tolerate Remington, but I can't imagine where I found or I why I liked Ryker. 

    ETA: You made me want to dig out my diary from 6th grade. Maybe when DH gets home I'll have him get that box out of the attic: )

  • I had these triplet baby dolls that I named Ashley, Hannah, and Grace. I still think Hannah and Grace are nice names, but I'd never use Ashley!
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • imagestrangebird:

    ETA: You made me want to dig out my diary from 6th grade. Maybe when DH gets home I'll have him get that box out of the attic: )

    Yes please! Let's all air our naming laundry; I'm curious now.

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • I can't remember what names I had picked out, but when my sister/friends and I used to play, we would change our names, and I remember that I used Brooklyn Alexis Paige (or sometimes just Alexis Paige) - I can't remember my made-up last name though.

    None of those names are on my list now!

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  • I wanted boy/girl twins named Chloe and Chet - names from "Wierd Science".  Don't ask...  Chloe isn't bad but I couldn't sleep at night if I named my poor little boy Chet!

  • imagebusybeegirl1976:

    I wanted boy/girl twins named Chloe and Chet - names from "Wierd Science".  Don't ask...  Chloe isn't bad but I couldn't sleep at night if I named my poor little boy Chet!

    Whoa, wait...this Chet? The pile of Chet? Okay, I think this might be the best one yet. *bows*



    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • imagebraveangel2:

    I wanted boy/girl twins named Chloe and Chet - names from "Wierd Science".  Don't ask...  Chloe isn't bad but I couldn't sleep at night if I named my poor little boy Chet!

    Whoa, wait...this Chet? The pile of Chet? Okay, I think this might be the best one yet. *bows*



    LOL! EXACTLY!!!! What was I thinking?!?!? 'Course, I was like only 9!

  • Sable, Anika, Aurora, Madison and Adrienne

    Michael, August, Dean, Issac and Donovan

    M/C 04-1999 Missed M/C 04-20-2005 M/C 11-09-2006 DD - Sable Ren
  • I really like Chelsea and Brandon Jacoby.
  • Oh this should be interesting lol

    I liked Keely/Keelia I guess I liked matching because my last name is Keel haha. I liked Mileena, Piper, Starla, Jade, Kitana, Ayanna, Izabella (yes spelled like that). I think I was really into Mortal combat HAHA. t..Cane (minus the o) Cage, Clinton (my late father), Orion, Titus, Raiden....whooo boy....

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  • imagebusybeegirl1976:

    I wanted boy/girl twins named Chloe and Chet - names from "Wierd Science".  Don't ask...  Chloe isn't bad but I couldn't sleep at night if I named my poor little boy Chet!

    Whoa, wait...this Chet? The pile of Chet? Okay, I think this might be the best one yet. *bows*



    LOL! EXACTLY!!!! What was I thinking?!?!? 'Course, I was like only 9!

    You definitely win so far! 

  • imagek*princess:

    I wanted boy/girl twins named Chloe and Chet - names from "Wierd Science".  Don't ask...  Chloe isn't bad but I couldn't sleep at night if I named my poor little boy Chet!

    Whoa, wait...this Chet? The pile of Chet? Okay, I think this might be the best one yet. *bows*



    LOL! EXACTLY!!!! What was I thinking?!?!? 'Course, I was like only 9!

    You definitely win so far! 

    YAY! Being an only child and watching too much tv as kid has finally paid off.

  • imageSpookster:

    Oh this should be interesting lol

    I liked Keely/Keelia I guess I liked matching because my last name is Keel haha. I liked Mileena, Piper, Starla, Jade, Kitana, Ayanna, Izabella (yes spelled like that). I think I was really into Mortal combat HAHA. t..Cane (minus the o) Cage, Clinton (my late father), Orion, Titus, Raiden....whooo boy....

    I remember thinking Kitana was the're so not alone.

    KeriMichael+Marie - you had great taste in names as a, blows mine out of the water.

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • In 1989: Sarah Abigail (which I named my babydoll. If I had a girl, I would still use Abigail as a mn)
    1998: McKenzie and McKenna (long before I ever heard more than one person named that, and they were Mackenzie. I thought I was original!) 
    All time:  Andi Autumn (both of the names my mom wanted to give me before my dad veto'd at birth)

    However, I've always been obsessed with I Love Lucy, so now I want a girl named Lucy Abigail :)

  • I had:

    Lydia Roseanne

    Breanna Lindsey

    Darrin Alizabeth

    Krystee Jean (this was during my creative phase)

     Danielle Elizabeth

     Jared Lawrence

    Court Austin

    Braea ( a name I made up in high school, something about the heather in the brae in a song from Brigadoon).


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  • When I was very young my doll was Jenny, so that is what I wanted to name my daughter. When I got older I like Azailiah (ok, I still kind of do, I thought it was something I just made up, but its a flower or something) or Skye. Oddly, I had no favorite boy names. I also loved the funky spelling and would try to come up with the weirdest way to spell my name, anyone take a Care'ah seriously? Stick out tongue

  • My favorite girl name was Kendra Dianna. I still like Dianna, but Kendra not so much.

    Other names I liked were Elsie (which was incorporated into DD's name), Lonia (yeah, I guess I made that one up...hahaha), Serenity (gag), and Alana (fine).

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • I had read some book and there was 2 female charactes in it - Shyla and LeDare. I wanted to name my girl Shyla LeDare. My mom said it sounded like a stripper name! I also liked Emma Leigh and Blaire Calloway. I never thought of boy names cause I always wanted a girl! Yikes, how my tastes have changed.
  • imageTysMomPlusOne:
    When I was very young my doll was Jenny, so that is what I wanted to name my daughter. When I got older I like Azailiah (ok, I still kind of do, I thought it was something I just made up, but its a flower or something) or Skye. Oddly, I had no favorite boy names. I also loved the funky spelling and would try to come up with the weirdest way to spell my name, anyone take a Care'ah seriously? Stick out tongue

    Oh, I like Care'ah, but I think you really need to change it to Kayr'ah to make it more unique! :)

    Azalea would be a new twist on the flower names! 

  • There were some truelly awfull random-combination-of-letters names when I was about 7 years old. Thankfully I grew out of that phase. My poor children would have had names like Hetznikaya and Benasaren.

    Does anybody remember those little quintuplet dolls they use to have. I used to have them and thought that it would be so cool to have quintuplet girls when I grew up. I was going to name them Jade, Jada, Jadis, Jaden, and Jadelle. For someone reason I thought all multiples had to have very similar names.


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  • I remember I named all of my dolls very 80's names. I had about a dozen named Tiffany/Tiffani/Tyffany/Tiphanie etc. I had boy/girl twin dolls that I always changed the names...but they were always matchy. Alexandra and Alexander, Christina and Christopher, Steven and Stephanie, Samantha and Samuel...

    I also remember really liking Tyler for a girl :::barf:::

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  • Ella85Ella85 member
    I wanted to have twin girls and name them Zoey and Chloe and a boy named Jacob Christan

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  • Brandon, Corey, Alison, and Amber

    All fine names, but none on my list now.

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  • imagek*princess:

    When I was very young my doll was Jenny, so that is what I wanted to name my daughter. When I got older I like Azailiah (ok, I still kind of do, I thought it was something I just made up, but its a flower or something) or Skye. Oddly, I had no favorite boy names. I also loved the funky spelling and would try to come up with the weirdest way to spell my name, anyone take a Care'ah seriously? Stick out tongue

    Oh, I like Care'ah, but I think you really need to change it to Kayr'ah to make it more unique! :)

    Azalea would be a new twist on the flower names! 


    You are so right, Kayr'ah is where its at! And actually after looking up the correct spelling of Azalea and such... I am back to really liking it, but I doubt the DH would agree. After reading a couple more I remember when I was 5, I swear I thought it was a must that twins have matchy names, mine would be Tracy and Stacy (hey I thought those were super cool names back in the '80s).


  • My all-time favorite girl name was Brooklyn Rae. I also wanted to have four boys and name them Isaiah, Jeremiah, Josiah, and Elijah - LOL.
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    "And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
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  • I was in love with the name Tabitha when I was little, and I have no clue why. In fact, I don't think I've ever met a Tabitha.

    For boys, I wanted all of my sons to go by initials as nicknames--Peter james (and call him PJ)  and Jacob Thomas (JT.)

     Let me tell you, that ship has sailed.

  • I loved the names Paulene and Adiedra.  Yikes.
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  • When I was young I wanted triplet girls Pamela, Samantha, and Tamara (Pammy, Sammy and Tammy)  Ick!

    Then when I was a bit older I decided I wanted Adam Benjamin Caleb, Alison Victoria Anne, and Aaron Cary (father fill in name here).  That was my "two mn are cool" phase.  

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  • when i was a little kid i wanted a daughter named Crystal [i'm sorry if your name is crystal] but it now has an extremely NEGATIVE connotation for me. And in this small southern town I know something around 8 Crystals. ew.

    Kaitlyn, Alyssa, Britney, Bailey, Zoe. I also liked Ruby and Gemma. They're not too bad, [still kinda like Gemma] but my tastes have changed.  

    i'm sure there's quite a list in my old journals. I used to [and still do] DAYDREAM a lot! So yeah. lol! 

  • For the longest time I thought I would have a daughter named Brooke and a son named Taylor.  Both names are ok, but definitely didn't make our lists.  Taylor has turned into more of a girl's name and Brooke just seems stuck up or something to me now (no offense to anyone with this name).
  • If I had a daughter, I wanted to name her "Ivona" (eye-vone-uh). This was before Ivanna Trump was known/publicized. My mom still laughs about it.
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  • I was obsessed with the names Claudia, Dorothy, and Gilbert for longer than I care to admitt. Also, my 8 year old sil makes no secret of her intention to name her future children Prudence nn Prudie, Ebony, Veronica, Siri, and Arthur (she swears she will have 4 girls and 1 boy, just like her mom). Eta: My mom just reminded me of a phase when I wanted twins named Jewel and Allegra. Ugh!

  • lynseflynsef member
    As a girl I wanted to name my daughter Olivia.  Now I'm not so fond of it, I mean I like it, but don't want to name my child Olivia.
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  • I had a Barbie I named Whitney!  I loved that name.  

    I also loved Victoria and still like it pretty well, but not one of my top faves!

    I really loved Rilla - still kinda do.  

    My sister's name is Jennifer.  Since there were/are many Jennifers, I called her Guinevere!  I absolutely LOVE that name!   

  • Just remembered another.  I loved the name Reignin for awhile.  It actually came from a play in which the characters name was Rengin (pr. Ren-gin, hard g), but I misread it and thought it was Reignin, and I really liked it.  I would have used it as a mn, since I was aware of the raining implications.

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  • Lauren has been my favourite name for a girl since I was about 10 years old (I'm 35 now).  I think I first heard it (dating myself further here) when Courtney Cox played "Lauren" on Family Ties (She was Michael J Fox's gf).  I was also a huge Polo Ralph Lauren fan as a teenager.  Luckily DH loves the name Lauren too.

    That said, my grandfather's name was Lawrence (went by Lorne) and my grandmother's was Anne and for my aunt's middle name they created the name "Lorann."  My cousin has the same middle name.  Lorann is nms at all but I still love Lauren, so it's a twist on a family name as well.

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