
where can i get an inexpensive car seat cover?

we are going to NYC and I want to buy a car seat cover for when we rent a car/carseat for weekend excursions.  i've seen them for $50-80 and that just seems really expensive to me.  is there anywhere i can get one for less?


Re: where can i get an inexpensive car seat cover?

  • you'd be better off to just buy a cheaper seat when you get there.  

    By putting an aftermarket cover on a carseat, you are potentially compromising the safety of your child.  If you knew what kind of seat you'll be renting, you could order a replacement cover for the manufacturer.  

  • Could you take your carseat with you?   Or, can the carseat/car rental place guarantee with absolute certainty that the carseat you rent will be in excellent condition, never been in an accident, not expired, etc.?    I've never had good luck with car rental places and carseat - they've never been able to guarentee the seat we would have got... I always just take our own and check them at the airport....

    And...ditto pp - aftermarket carseat covers are not recommended for use (actually recommended against).

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