
Baby book question if you have 2 or more

Do you have the same baby book for all DC?

When DD1 was born I had bought a baby book and received one as a gift. I saved the one I got as a gift for the next baby. DD1's book is much more thorough. I've been working on completing it, and the last page is her first day of school, so it goes up to about 4 years. I just looked through the book I have now, and it's not as detailed. It has a lot of firsts but really only goes through the 1st year.

I'm trying to decide if I need to buy the same type of baby book that DD1 has for DD2 or if it's okay that they're so different. DH says it's fine and that we'll be lucky to actually fill out the book for DD2. I feel bad that her book will be missing so much.

WWYD? Buy a similar baby book for DD2 or use the one we have?

(I know this isn't a very important question, but it's slow, and I can't decide what to do.)

Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13

Re: Baby book question if you have 2 or more

  • The book I have for DS goes up to the beginning of school, and is complete to date. I bought the same type of book for DD b/c I didn't want her's to be any less than his. It sounds silly, but it's important for me to keep up the books b/c my mother started mine but didn't finish. If you're not happy with the book, it's not a huge expense, so get another one. As for keeping up with it, it's totally possible if you set aside a few minutes regularly. I update them every month on their "birthday", so for DD, it was every month on the 22nd. After the first year, it's pretty easy b/c it's mostly just birthdays and a few more firsts. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • No.  My first DD has a smaller one and all (or mostly) filled out.  Someone got me one for my oldest DS and it was for 80 years!!!  I don't even think the first year is filled out...sadly.  I don't have any for the last two...sorry to say.  I have a lot more photos though since with the first two my DH was into "slides".  lol
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  • I have the same book for both boys. They're different editions, so they're slightly different, but basically the same. 

    To answer your question, if you truly do not like the one that you saved, and can get the same one again I would.

    DS #1 5.5.07 DS #2 12.3.08 DD 5.21.11
  • We have different ones for all 3 kids.  We actually have 2 for our 3rd child.  The one for DC#1 was a gift.  I searched online for one for #2 that I liked. Although there are a few typos in it, I do love everything that was included and everything that was not - perfect.  I tried to get that same one for #3, only in pink since this one was a girl (I sort of think they SHOULD be a bit different, so I was happy they were different genders.) Taht company doesn't even make baby books anymore.

    SO I found one online that I thought would be good, although it is a binder/looseleaf type and it was also very expensive.  Then she also got one from a friend of ours from WalMart that is perfect.  My favorite one.  So far I am completing both baby books for the baby because I can't decide what to do!

  • Our 3 youngest children all have the same baby book.  DS1, who is 15, doesn't have much of one, though. I liked having the same book for each of them, but it would not really bother me if they were all different.  If it's important to you- get the same! 
    SAHM to 2 boys (3 & 16 yrs) & 2 girls (5 & 8 yrs)

    Our Angel Boy- m/c in 2007 @ 9wks due to Trisomy 17
  • We have a different one. In fact DD2's is a little more detailed. If it is missing things I want to make a note of, I just write it in the margins or on a blank page that I don't use. I did this with DD1 too.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • I have two different ones for my kids. They both have some of the same things in them (don't most of them?), but my kids are different genders. I would want them to cover the same amount of time, so that part at least is similar.

    And like the pp, I want to make sure I fill out much of the same info for #2 as I did for #1. I am really trying!

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