So a while ago I asked you ID moms if your twins got teeth at the same time and the general concensus was that your twins got the same teeth at the same time. Well, today Mary's 1st tooth has finally broken through (yay Mary!). Grace's 1st tooth is in the process of breaking through, just not quite as high as Mary's yet. Thing is... they're the opposite front teeth!!
Anyone else have this happen? And if so, do your twins have other traits that indicate they are mirror twins?
Re: ID moms - mirror twins??
Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)
I was just talking to a friend who told me about a set of identicals that had "mirror" beauty marks--one had one on the left cheek and the other had it in the exact spot on the right cheek!
Okay, I've been doing more research! The girls themselves have me thoroughly confused right now, though. Here's what I've come up with:
In support of being mirror twins:
- Mary's right tooth came in, Grace's left.
- Mary always sucks her right thumb, Grace always puts her left fingers in her mouth.
- They both have always had a group of little red dots between their eyes, and when I looked closely today, realized they're in opposite patterns!
Goes against being mirror twins:
- "Whirl" in their hair goes the same way.
SO... you can see why I'm confused ; ) I did find an article online that said there are varying "degrees" of mirror image twins though, so maybe our girls are partial mirror image twins?!? Who knows!