
How many wks did you deliver triplets?

I go back to dr tomorrow and will be 35 wks on tuesday.  He has no plans of scheduling anything, unless absolutely necessary.  I'm currently on procardia because me & terb pump did not agree, however, still having regular contractions, but not dilating more than 2cm.  Just curious, if other triplet moms went past 35 wks?
Lilcarciofo's Blog Been TTC #1 since July 2007 Unexplained Infertility 11/08 -HSG-all clear! 12/08-2/09 clomid 50 mg/natural cycles=BFN IUI#1 -3/13/09 clomid 50mg=BFN IUI#2 -4/11/09 =BFN (no clomid,rx prob) IUI#3 -5/11/09 clomid 50mg=BFN IUI#4 -6/9/09 clomid 50 mg=BFN IUI #5 -7/8/09 gonal-f/ovidrel trigger=BFN IUI #6 - 8/7/09 gonal f/ovidrel trigger/hcg booster (5000iu) 3dpiui=BFN IUI #7 - 9/5/09 gonal f/ovidrel trigger/2 hcg boosters (5000iu)=BFN Taking a Break....=BFN IUI #8- 11/1/09=BFP Finally! (gonal f/ovidrel trigger/prom & estr Beta#1=14 (11/16) Beta#2=23 (11/18) Beta#3=29 (11/20) Beta #4=8 (11/23) 11/23/09=M/C IUI #9- 12/13/09=BFP!!!! Beta#1=563 Beta#2=1115 Triplets!!! Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: How many wks did you deliver triplets?

  • Congrats on making it to 35w, that's awesome!
  • #6#6 member

    Wow!  35wks is great!  I had my twins at 36wks so to make it to 35 with triplets is amazing.  

    Sorry Im not any help.  I dont know how far Pea Kay went with her boys.  

    So excited and cant wait to see pics of your sweet babies! :)

    Good Luck! 

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  • Wowsa! 

    In my book, you're super-woman!

    That is super exciting that you've made it this far.

    How are you feeling?

    I know you want them to cook as long as you can, & I don't know all the facts, but if you were in alot of pain etc. I would be mad at your dr. for not scheduling something!

    GL & good work momma :) 

  • I only went to 33w2d, so you're already ahead of me. :)

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  • Great job!!

    LNLE went 35 weeks with her trips.

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  • Wow! Congratulations on making it to 35 weeks!
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  • I had a scheduled c-section at 35w1d. The MFM said it was a good time and the babies were in good shape. No NICU time for us!
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  • Wow, that's great that you made it that far! I think PianoPlayingSarah went to 35w6d (IIRC) with her triplets but that's the furthest of any of the triplet moms I know.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I delivered at 32 weeks, 2 days, but I know someone that delivered at 37 weeks.  My scheduled c-sec was for 35.5 weeks, but I developed Pre-E.  
  • ohh... and Congrats for making it to 35 weeks!  That is amazing!! 
  • holy smokes!  that is a-mazing.  hope you're feeling good!  (sorry I have no experience to input here).
  • No triplets here but just wanted to say congrats for making it to 35 weeks!!  Way to bake those babies!!
  • 35 weeks! Good for you mama, that is awesome! I delivered at 33 weeks, but my doc had originally hoped to see me get to 37 weeks, then he would have scheduled my c-section. Hang in there, you're doing an amazing job! :)
  • I made it to a scheduled c-section - 35 weeks, 6 days.

    Why won't he schedule anything?   I would think you would want to deliver in the next week. 

    Congrats on making it this far!!!!! 


  • I went to 35 weeks 2 days. They were going to let me go to 37 weeks or they gave me the option of having a amnio done to check their lung maturity at 35 weeks. Well I went with the amnio and it came back mature so we had our babies. :) Your doing awesome and sson you will have your outside babies! Way to keep them cooking! :)
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  • Congrats on making it to 35 weeks!
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  • You are amazing! I am completely in awe of you! No advice just congrats and can't wait to see pics of your beautiful babies!
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  • Thanks for the responses ladies! Whenever I ask about a date, he shrugs me off and says, the longer the better, which I understand, however, I thought 34 wks was good!!  The babies are weighing in at 4.2, 5.2, and 4.7.  I know they can be off, because they're not always accurate, but really!?!! and I had the steroid shots 3wks ago!!  I know he's doing whats best for my babies, but why wait for something to happen, rather than just doing it already!!  I mean doesn't there need to be a team assembled for the OR?  From what I've heard, there's a LOT of people in there!!!
    Lilcarciofo's Blog Been TTC #1 since July 2007 Unexplained Infertility 11/08 -HSG-all clear! 12/08-2/09 clomid 50 mg/natural cycles=BFN IUI#1 -3/13/09 clomid 50mg=BFN IUI#2 -4/11/09 =BFN (no clomid,rx prob) IUI#3 -5/11/09 clomid 50mg=BFN IUI#4 -6/9/09 clomid 50 mg=BFN IUI #5 -7/8/09 gonal-f/ovidrel trigger=BFN IUI #6 - 8/7/09 gonal f/ovidrel trigger/hcg booster (5000iu) 3dpiui=BFN IUI #7 - 9/5/09 gonal f/ovidrel trigger/2 hcg boosters (5000iu)=BFN Taking a Break....=BFN IUI #8- 11/1/09=BFP Finally! (gonal f/ovidrel trigger/prom & estr Beta#1=14 (11/16) Beta#2=23 (11/18) Beta#3=29 (11/20) Beta #4=8 (11/23) 11/23/09=M/C IUI #9- 12/13/09=BFP!!!! Beta#1=563 Beta#2=1115 Triplets!!! Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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