TTC after 35


Hi ladies.  I am a regualr poster on TTTC and TTCAL, but thought I would do an intro here as well.  I am TTC with my 2nd, DH's 1st.  I am 37 and DH is 40, my DD is 19 years old.  DH and I got married in April of 09 and started TTC last July. 

I started charting laat August and went for a consult with an RE in January.  Turns out I was already pregnant, but then I had a c/p.  In February I had testing with the RE - SHG, LH surge test, CD 3 b/w.  My FSH level was a 10 (my RE said they consider anything under 12 to be ok), but I know that number is not too good.  Amazingly, I got pregnant again that month, but sadly I had a m/c in April. 

We started TTC again after a 1 cycle break and this is our 3rd cycle trying again.  I also started 50 mg of clomid with TI this cycle.  Got a + OPK yesterday and went for monitoring this morning, but I only have one 14mm follie.  So things don't look great for this cycle.  In my February cycle, the only one I have numbers for (and we happened to be successful) I had an 18mm follie and I was unmedicated, so I am not sure what is going on. 

It's really just been a frustrating first year of marriage with the TTC struggles and the two losses.  DH is great, but I feel like I am a failure, he of course, tells me I'm not.  Just thought I would start posting over here as well.  I promise to lurk and get a feel for the board. 

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Re: Intro

  • Welcome and GL to you.  I am so sorry for your losses. It sucks that it can't be easy for all of us to have children.  The ladies on this board are awesome and give great tips, advise and support.  I would be driving my DH crazy without them!!!

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    IF History in my Bio!

  • Welcome and I'm sorry about your losses. As far as the clomid goes, it is less effective in older women. I ovulate on my own and am very regular, but Clomid made me anovulatory and I produced nothing with it (on the other hand I respond VERY well to small amounts of injectables. My RE said this occurs in older women sometimes and I've seen others post the same response. Good luck and there is a ton of support and knowledge on this board! 
    1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05 Un-freaking-explained IF 5/05 IVF, BFN 9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5) 8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp 12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN 5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX 4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10 1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11 FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7 Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11 Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks. After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
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  • Welcome!  I'm sorry for your losses and I wish you the best of luck.
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  • Hi cutie, I post on TTTC but post here as well.
  • imageMAH123:
    Welcome and I'm sorry about your losses. As far as the clomid goes, it is less effective in older women. I ovulate on my own and am very regular, but Clomid made me anovulatory and I produced nothing with it (on the other hand I respond VERY well to small amounts of injectables. My RE said this occurs in older women sometimes and I've seen others post the same response. Good luck and there is a ton of support and knowledge on this board! 

    Wow.  I never knew this was possible.  I tried to look up whether this was possible earlier today, but I didn't find anything.  I will have to try again.  Well, that is super frustrating b/c I certainly don't want to lesson my chances by making myself anovulatory!!  Ugh!!!!!  This is terrible!!!  How many cycles did you try clomid before you realized this and stopped taking it? 

    I guess I will have to watch my temps and see what happens and talk to my RE.  Thanks for the info. 

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  • Hello and welcome!  This is a great board full of very supportive women!  I also lurk on energetic and supportive bunch!  I'm very sorry about your losses, I know how frustrating and heartbreaking that can be.  I also started with clomid, but got a very poor response (I don't have regular cycles to begin with).  Like MAH, I responded much better to injectables.

    Best of luck this cycle and hope to see you around!

  • jcathjcath member
    Welcome to the board and I'm sorry for your losses. 
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  • imagecutebride73:

    Welcome and I'm sorry about your losses. As far as the clomid goes, it is less effective in older women. I ovulate on my own and am very regular, but Clomid made me anovulatory and I produced nothing with it (on the other hand I respond VERY well to small amounts of injectables. My RE said this occurs in older women sometimes and I've seen others post the same response. Good luck and there is a ton of support and knowledge on this board! 

    Wow.  I never knew this was possible.  I tried to look up whether this was possible earlier today, but I didn't find anything.  I will have to try again.  Well, that is super frustrating b/c I certainly don't want to lesson my chances by making myself anovulatory!!  Ugh!!!!!  This is terrible!!!  How many cycles did you try clomid before you realized this and stopped taking it? 

    I guess I will have to watch my temps and see what happens and talk to my RE.  Thanks for the info. 

    I was being followed by my RE and tried it with 2 cycles. I started with 50 and had no follies on US, so he increased the dose and still no response. We just switched to injectables after that. If they are monitoring you, you should know right away. Good luck!

    1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05 Un-freaking-explained IF 5/05 IVF, BFN 9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5) 8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp 12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN 5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX 4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10 1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11 FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7 Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11 Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks. After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
  • Hi there.  Welcome....I post on TTTC also...but consider this my 'main' board (cuz I'm 'old').  Sorry for you losses. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Welcome and Goodluck!
  • Welcome to this board.  I've never had a m/c (knock on wood) so I can't relate to that but I send my condolences for the two that you've had.  It's just not fair.  (pout)

    I've only been seeing my OB so far and have done one round of 50 mg clomid but wasn't being monitored so I'm clueless as to any of my numbers.  :(  Going to see an RE next week.  Wish I knew what the size of follies meant but I don't yet.  We've been trying unmedicated for 14 of the 15 months we've been TTC. 

    I CAN related to feeling like a failure.  I have 3 children from my first marriage, the youngest being 10, and want more than anything to give DH one of his own.  I'm struggling myself right now to keep my own chin up.  Being on this board and opening up with the ladies on here really helps.  I hope you will find the same.  Best of luck to you.

  • Sorry for your losses.  Welcome to our wonderful board and good luck!
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