I was wondering if any of you used a glider rocker in your nursery? Or if you found something else to be more useful for multiples. We are expecting twins and the plan is to breast feed. Our home is small so we need to make the best use out of the space we have.
Thanks in advance for you advice.
Re: Chair in the nursery
Our glider was a must have for me & at age 1 we still use it a lot. It was in our bedroom initially, then when we moved them to cribs, it was in their room, and then when we had to separate them b/c they were waking each other, we moved it to a different room (playroom) so we could use it with either of them during the night.
We have a wooden rocker that we use occasionally, but you can really get by without one. I BF on the living room couch or on our bed if we have guests.
We used ours all of the time and still do. We have a glider.
Yesterday I was at IKEA and found a huge overstuffed chair that rocked and wished I would have had that when I was bfing.
Very expensive though.
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