One massive poopy diaper from my 22 month old, and a blow out from my 8 day old at the same time..... All I could do was laugh. They are already conspiring against me! LOL!
m/c August 2007 - Blighted Ovum
Sean - Our IUI/Injectable miracle born Oct. 5, 2008.
Liam - Our second miracle born July 16, 2010
Re: Exciting 2u2 moment today!
My favorite is when DD screams every time I change her, then DS gets so freaked out he cries too OR
when I'm nursing and DS does something dangerous like climb on a table, chair, etc.
::said with sarcasm::
yup, DS will stand on the chair out of reach bc he knows I cant get him. Or so he thought, I have learned to stand up while nursing and put him in time out. He doesnt do it that much anymore