We went and visited an in home center tonight because my regular SAHM sitter is going on maternity leave soon. LO has never been to daycare so I don't really know what is normal.
Her main level is L shaped. In the crook of the L is her kitchen, and on the short side of the L is the "baby room" (no doors, its the dining room I assume) where she has gated both sides and the long part of the L is where the older kids are. You have to be a "really good walker" to graduate to the older kids room.
I guess my problem is that I dont know how she watches both groups at once. She did say that when the older kids were napping she let the little ones out, and its a good size room with toys, pnps, etc. But besides meals, he would be in this room pretty much all day.
She also only offers a sippy cup at meals too. I'm sure thats normal but my son drinks water all day long.
ugh. These are minor things but I'm dreading putting him in daycare at all so I'm looking for excuses, I suppose.
Re: Is this odd or am I overprotective re:daycare
I would keep looking. The in-home daycare I used had a similar layout, but the lady kept all the kids together so she could watch them at the same time. They all ate meals together, played together, etc. I loved it because my DS was only 1 at the time and he learned SO much from being around the older kids.
If you're not comfortable - keep looking!
On Thursdays (the only day she would watch him) he would be her 5th child, not counting her 10 year old.
I think Auntie is always the voice of reason! I agree and do not want to upset anyone that is happy with their in-home situation but I would not be comfortable that because of above but also the paranoid part of me thinks that while not all centers are good there are at least other adults there to hopefully notice and report if something horrible is happening. To me the situation you described means that half of the kids will not be watched while she tends to the other kids, that is neglect IMHO. Or does her 10yo watch them? Either way that is not ok. Keep looking and you will find somewhere you feel more comfortable, if your gut tells you no for any reason, trust it b/c it is very likely right.
I think this is what we're going to have to do. Unfortunately it is going to cost an arm and a leg...which sucks when you only need one day of care. We specifically arranged our work schedules to avoid this kind of thing. ugh.