
Lurker with a question about activities

Hi! My sister has twins and she has recently become a SAHM and I was trying to help her brainstorm activities that she could do with them. They are 14 months old, not walking yet, but starting to stand on their own. What are some activities that you do/did with your kids at this age that is "twin friendly." Sorry if this gets asked a lot and thanks in advance!

Re: Lurker with a question about activities

  • there is really nothing different about activities with twins - other than logistics.... going to the park can be tricky with mobile twins if the area isn't somewhat enclosed - b/c they 'll split and you can't be with both.  I take the twins to the park now b/c they still are not walking around- mostly they just go on the swings = contained :)

    some gymboree type classes require a 1 to 1 ratio for parents/kids - but some do allow one parent with twins.

    play areas in the mall are always a good thing for me and my 3 boys- it's enclosed, nothing dangerous- so they can all crawl/run around and i don't have to be right on them.

    the zoo.... etc.

    the age her twins are at is hard - because they are somewhat mobile- but totally clumsy and everything is dangerous - and they don't really understand everything..... even with one child- the 12-18mo age was hardest for me. So with twins = extra hard--- but everything is doable if you prepare properly :)

  • Thanks for the ideas! I think she's just nervous about being home with them by herself for the first time, and the idea of taking two out to do any activities is daunting. Thanks again! I'll pass them along!
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  • we go all over the place. what has helped the most is joining a great mommy group. most places we go (library story time, gymboree, park, swimming, etc) there is another mommy (or two) i know who helps me keep an eye on one when i need to run off after the other. most days i just feel like a sheep dog, running in circles around them  both to keep them herded in the middle. but i would go nuts if i just stayed home so it is worth it. 
  • Our local library has a baby area. It is awesome.
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  • imagelgurian:
    we go all over the place. what has helped the most is joining a great mommy group. most places we go (library story time, gymboree, park, swimming, etc) there is another mommy (or two) i know who helps me keep an eye on one when i need to run off after the other. most days i just feel like a sheep dog, running in circles around them  both to keep them herded in the middle. but i would go nuts if i just stayed home so it is worth it. 

    And joining a non multiples moms group has been great. Its much easier for the other moms to help me since they only have one! And they all think you're super mom! :) 

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