Please help me narrow this down...I have 2 girls names and 3 boys...just wondering what people like best!
1. Morgan Elizabeth S.
2. Abigail Elizabeth S.
1. Avery Michael S.
2. Kellen Robert S.
3. Collin Daniel S.
TIA for your opinions!
Re: Need Opinions Please
Your girl names are too popular for me.
Avery is a girl name to me. The others are ok
Morgan Elizabeth is like Jennifer Marie. The most popular combination of two very, very popular names. Personally, that would be unacceptable.
Abigail Elizabeth, while I love both names, doesn't seem to flow well.
Collin Daniel is okay, but I feel like Collin is to popular.
Kellen is a better alternative to Collin, though I would pair it with Daniel.
And Avery is too feminized to use for a boy and I strongly dislike it for a girl.
I agree
Kellen, for a boy or girl. Its unique.
I like both of your girl names, but I like Abigail more.
For a boy, I'll go with Kellen. I don't like Collin, and although I know Avery is a traditional male name, it just screams female to me now with so many of them around.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
Hm, really?! I don't see that.
I don't think Morgan is that popular, and certainly not a "Jennifer". It was #56 on the SSA, while Abigail (which you didn't mention a problem with popularity) was at #8.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I know Morgan isn't as popular as Jennifer, so perhaps that was a poor comparison . . . but I know three Morgans IRL, all are Morgan Elizabeth. I've seen that exact combination come up on this board several times and I've seen it at least a dozen times elsewhere, including my local birth announcements. It seems as if a very large majority of Morgans have the middle name Elizabeth. And, while I think they sound great together, it's too obvious a choice for my liking.
Abigail Elizabeth & Kellen Robert
Kellen is on my short list (spelled Kellan)
Morgan Elizabeth flows better than Abigail Elizabeth, and is less common, so my vote is Morgan.
Kellen has too trendy of a sound for me, and Avery seems too girly at this point. I LOVE Collin, but Collin Daniel isn't the best flow in the world.
I find most of the names too popular for my taste. I like Collin, but as PP have mentioned, it's becoming popular too.
Avery MAY be technically a boy's name - but I've never met a boy named that, while I have seen many girls named that.
Ah, okay! I get what you were saying. I only know one Morgan IRL (in her 20s) but don't know her middle name.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}