When we push through with Jayden's stroller that no longer even resembles a stroller after all of the contraptions we've added to it to shield him from the sun! LOL!
There's already an extended canopy, we attached a parasol (it's a cute sock monkey pattern), two fans, and my mom is making a cloth panel to attach to the bottom where his legs will stick out at. OMG. I'm surprised he will even be able to see out of the stroller! He loves the contraptions and thinks his stroller is now "Rocket" from the Little Einsteins, lol!
Re: We are SO going to get weird looks at Disney World!!!
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
But I can't wait to see pics!
Honestly, Thanksgiving is a nightmare there. The crowds are way worse than usual b/c everyone is off school. We went one year the week of Thanksgiving - on Thanksgiving and the Friday after, I think. Total chaos. This year, we're going the Monday and Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I've heard it's a lot quieter b/c everyone's gone home after the Thanksgiving break and it's between the holidays so fewer people are traveling. Not to say it'll be empty or even close, but I think it will be better. DH would absolutely refuse if I tried to plan a trip during Thanksgiving vacation again.