a little background first...DS has been obsessed with telling time and where the clocks are. However, he always leaves out the L in clock. So we are discussing what time we have to leave for a bday party.
DS (delete the L from the word clock as you read)..."Lane has a clock."
Me...yes, Lane has a cLock
DS...does Lane have a big clock or a little clock?
OMG! it sounds so funny coming out of a 3 year olds mouth!
Re: can't stop laughing
That's funny!
My younger sister used to replace the "tr" sound with the "f" sound. I was in school at the time, so I don't have a real clear memory of this, but according to our mom, when the garbage truck came down the street my 2 year old sister would run to the window and yell about it, and it would sound like she was dropping the "f-bomb."