Baby Names

What comes to mind when you hear Preston?

We were thinking of naming our boy Preston William Schleinkofer.  My husband is Otto William the third and I wasn't too excited about having an Otto.  We've at least kept the William going but what do you think about Preston?

Would people mispronouce it?   Would people spell it wrong?  Can you use it to tease?  Does it rhyme with anything weird?  Do the initials mean anything?

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Re: What comes to mind when you hear Preston?

  • I don't see any red flags- good choice!
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  • I think of Preston Burke, on Grey's Anatomy!

    Wish they brought him back to the show.


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  • I think it is easy to pronunce and I don't see any obvious teasing nicknames. 

    To me it is kind of a preppy, "rich kid" name but I like it and I think it sounds good with William and your last name.

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  • I think of a preppy, stuck up kid, but that's just me.  It's just really not my style.  But, I don't think there are any obvious ways to poke fun of it, really.  I think that kids will always come up with something, but nothing is really jumping out at me.
  • I think the name comes off as trying to sound prestigious. It immediately makes me think Ivy League schools, preppy, stuck-up, etc. I also don't think it is a very strong masculine name.

    I definitely don't think you would have problems with mispronunciation or spelling though.

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  • It really just reminds me of the boy named Preston who took me on a couple of dates in college, then cried (in front of me), when I told him I just wanted to be friends. haha

    It's a pretty solid name, though.  

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  • I have a cousin named Preston and have always loved it.  Good Choice.
  • It's one of the kid's names on Desperate Housewives, so I think of that. But it's a good name.
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  • imageEmjay221:

    I think of Preston Burke, on Grey's Anatomy!

    Wish they brought him back to the show.



    THIS! This exactly! 


  • I think of Preston Manning ( a Canadian politician)

  • My son's name is Preston and we think it fits him perfect.  I can see why people would say it sounds pretentious or snobby, but I personally think it is just a great name.  I like it because while you've heard the name before it is not super popular.

    No one has ever mispronounced it or spelled it wrong.  Except sometimes when people ask me what his name is they think i'm saying Justin or Tristan,  I have no idea why???

  • imageJenny0908:

    I think it is easy to pronunce and I don't see any obvious teasing nicknames. 

    To me it is kind of a preppy, "rich kid" name but I like it and I think it sounds good with William and your last name.

    This. But there are no obvious issues with it.

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  • 1. a bumpie on my home board

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    No cre8ive spellings, no real way to screw it up, can't really tease it off the top of my head, and cna't find anything wrong with PWS.

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  • I think of Desperate Housewives.  It's NMS, but I don't think anyone will make fun of it.  And I can't think of any nicknames that could be derived from it either.
  • imagelovemytwoboys:

    I think the name comes off as trying to sound prestigious. It immediately makes me think Ivy League schools, preppy, stuck-up, etc. I also don't think it is a very strong masculine name.

    I definitely don't think you would have problems with mispronunciation or spelling though.

    This exactly. 

  • I think of "cant hardly wait" the movie.

    I dont think it would be mispronounced or spelled wrong.

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  • I think Otto is kind of cute!

    Anyway, when I hear "Preston" I think of the movie Can't Hardly Wait

    "Pres- STONE...."

  • I know a kid named Otto... well, he was a kid when I knew him, he's my age... and people called him Otter. 

    I still like the name Preston. 

  • I like the name Preston. 
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  • imageMrsRoy07:

    I think it is easy to pronunce and I don't see any obvious teasing nicknames. 

    To me it is kind of a preppy, "rich kid" name but I like it and I think it sounds good with William and your last name.

    This. But there are no obvious issues with it.

    I think this as well, but I also picture an Otto as a preppy, rich kid.

    Other than that, I think Preston is a good name and fits well with the mn William.

  • I definitely think rich, preppy kid but I still love it.  I don't see any issues with spelling or pronouncing.
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  • imageamyschleinkofer:

    We were thinking of naming our boy Preston William Schleinkofer.  My husband is Otto William the third and I wasn't too excited about having an Otto.  We've at least kept the William going but what do you think about Preston?

    Would people mispronouce it?   Would people spell it wrong?  Can you use it to tease?  Does it rhyme with anything weird?  Do the initials mean anything?


    Preston reminds me of the kid in the movie "Blank Check". I'm almost 23 now so when I was 6 that was one of my favorite movies. The character was someone I wished I knew and I had a big ol' crush on the boy who played him lol


    I'm naming my son Otto, btw. Love it!

  • Preston is a great name!  Love it!
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  • Like Preston, but I did think of Britney Spears when you asked what came to mind.
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